


v. 授权;允许(empower的ing形式) 


" But, he insists, "if we support economic reform in Cuba as a means of empowering the Cuban people, then we have to help create the conditions to realize that objective. 但是,他还坚称,“如果古巴的经济改革是经古巴人民的授权的,我们不仅支持,而且我们要帮助创造条件,实现这一目标。”
Even if it does not directly correlate to your goal, the act of giving is greatly empowering. 即使是那些对你的目标没有直接帮助的人。 这样的给予即是最大授权。

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  • v. 授权;允许(empower的ing形式)
  • 1. " But, he insists, "if we support economic reform in Cuba as a means of empowering the Cuban people, then we have to help create the conditions to realize that objective.


  • 2. Even if it does not directly correlate to your goal, the act of giving is greatly empowering.

    即使是那些对你的目标没有直接帮助的人。 这样的给予即是最大授权。

  • 3. She wasn't good at listening to others or empowering them or helping them feel good about themselves or the team.


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