income 英 [ˈɪnkʌm]   美 [ˈɪnˌkʌm]


income  英 [ˈɪnkʌm] 美 [ˈɪnˌkʌm]

n. 收入,收益;所得 


people on high incomes, people on low incomes 高╱低收入的人
a rise in national income 国民收入的增长

  • What could be simpler than to remember that income basically refers to money that "comes in," or is earned. Your income is the money you make in a given time period, for example weekly, monthly, or annually.
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  • n. 收入,收益;所得
  • 1. people on high incomes, people on low incomes


  • 2. a rise in national income


  • 3. a weekly disposable income of £200

    *200 英镑的税后实得周薪

  • 4. higher income groups, middle income groups, lower income groups


  • income (n.) c. 1300, "entrance, arrival," literally "a coming in;" see in (adv.) + come (v.). Perhaps a noun use of the late Old English verb incuman "come in, enter." Meaning "money made through business or labor" (i.e., "that which 'comes in' as payment for work or business") first recorded c. 1600. Compare German einkommen "income," Swedish inkomst. Income tax is from 1790, introduced in Britain during the Napoleonic wars, re-introduced 1842; in U.S. levied by the federal government 1861-72, authorized on a national level in 1913.
in·come AWL / ˈɪnkʌm ; NAmE ˈɪnkʌm / / ˈɪnkəm ; NAmE ˈɪnkəm / noun [countable ,  uncountable ] the money that a person, a region, a country, etc. earns from work, from investing money, from business, etc. 收入;收益;所得 people on high/low incomes 高╱低收入的人 a weekly disposable income (= the money that you have left to spend after tax, etc.)of £200 *200 英镑的税后实得周薪 a rise in national income 国民收入的增长 They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of goods and services. 他们一部份的收入来自出售货品和各种服务所得。 Tourism is a major source of incomefor the area. 旅游业是这个地区的主要收入来源。 higher/middle/lower incomegroups 较高╱中等╱较低收入阶层 collocationsat finance compare expenditure  (1 ) SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 income wage/wages pay salary earnings These are all words for money that a person earns or receives for their work. 以上各词均指收入、工资、薪水。 income money that a person receives for their work, or from investments or business 指收入、收益、所得: people on low incomes 低收入的人 wage/wages money that employees get for doing their job, usually paid every week 通常指按周领取的工资、工钱: a weekly wage of £200 周薪 200 英镑 pay money that employees earn for doing their job 指工资、薪水: The job offers good rates of pay. 这工作报酬高。 salary money that employees earn for doing their job, usually paid every month 通常指按月发放的薪水、薪金 wage, pay or salary? 用 wage、pay 还是 salary? Payis the most general of these three words. Employees who work in factories, etc. get their wageseach week. Employees who work in offices or professional people such as teachers or doctors receive a salarythat is paid each month, but is usually expressed as an annual figure. *pay 在这组词中含义最广。在工厂等工作的雇员按周领取的工钱用 wages。办公室工作人员、教师、医生等专业人员按月领取的薪金用 salary,但通常以年薪表示。 earnings money that a person earns from their work 指薪水、工资、收入: a rise in average earnings for factory workers 工厂工人平均收入的增加 PATTERNS (a) high / high income/wage/pay/salary/earnings to earnan income/a wage/your pay/a salary to be ona(n) income/wage/salary of… income incomes in·come / ˈɪnkʌm ; NAmE ˈɪnkʌm /
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