- When one thing is in another, it is surrounded by or within it, the way chocolate chips are in a bowl of cookie batter.
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- prep. 在…之内
- adj. 在里面的;
1. The cat is in the box.
2. in the morning/afternoon/evening.
3. sitting in an armchair
4. Leave the key in the lock.
5. in 2009
在 2009 年
6. in the fall
7. in March
8. the man in the hat
9. I'm in love!
10. He is in the army.
in ★ / ɪn ; NAmE ɪn / preposition , adverb , adjective , noun preposition ★ HELP For the special uses of inin phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example deal in sthis in the phrasal verb section at deal. *in 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 deal in sth 在词条 deal 的短语动词部份。 1 ★ at a point within an area or a space 在(某范围或空间内的)某一点 ◆ a country in Africa 非洲的一个国家 ◆ The kids were playing in the street. 孩子们在街上玩。 ◆ It's in that drawer. 它放在那个抽屉里。 ◆ I read about it in the paper. 我是在报纸上读到这事的。 2 ★ within the shape of sth; surrounded by sth 在(某物的形体或范围)中;在…内;在…中 ◆ She was lying in bed. 她躺在床上。 ◆ sitting in an armchair 坐在扶手椅里 ◆ Leave the key in the lock. 把钥匙留在锁孔里。 ◆ Soak it in cold water. 把这东西浸泡在冷水里。 3 ★ into sth 进入 ◆ He dipped his brush in the paint. 他把毛刷在涂料里蘸了蘸。 ◆ She got in her car and drove off. 她钻进汽车里,开走了。 4 ★ forming the whole or part of sth/sb; contained within sth/sb 构成…的整体(或部份);包含在…之内 ◆ There are 31 days in May. 五月份有 31 天。 ◆ all the paintings in the collection 收藏品中的所有画作 ◆ I recognize his father in him (= his character is similar to his father's). 我在他身上看到了他父亲的气质。 5 ★ during a period of time 在(某段时间)内 ◆ in 2009 在 2009 年 ◆ in the 18th century 在 18 世纪 ◆ in spring/summer/autumn/winter 在春天╱夏天╱秋天╱冬天 ◆ in the fall 在秋天 ◆ in March 在三月 ◆ in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午╱下午╱晚上 ◆ I'm getting forgetful in my old age. 我现在上了年纪,变得健忘了。 6 ★ after a particular length of time 在(某段时间)之后 ◆ to return in a few minutes/hours/days/months. 几分钟╱几小时╱几天╱几个月后回来 ◆ It will be ready in a week's time (= one week from now). 只需一周的时间就会准备好。 ◆ She learnt to drive in three weeks (= after three weeks she could drive). 她花了三个星期就学会开车。 7 ★ ( used in negative sentences or after first, last,etc. 用于否定句或 first、last 等之后 ) for a particular period of time 在(某段时间)内 ◆ I haven't seen him in years. 我有好些年没见过他了。 ◆ It's the first letter I've had in ten days. 这是我十天来收到的第一封信。 8 ★ wearing sth 穿着;戴着 ◆ dressed in their best clothes 穿着他们最好的衣服 ◆ the man in the hat 戴帽子的男子 ◆ to be in uniform 穿着制服 ◆ She was all in black. 她穿着一身黑。 9 ★ used to describe physical surroundings (用以描述具体的环境) ◆ We went out in the rain. 我们冒雨出去了。 ◆ He was sitting alone in the darkness. 他独自坐在黑暗中。 10 ★ used to show a state or condition (表示状态或状况) ◆ I'm in love! 我恋爱了! ◆ The house is in good repair. 这所房子保养得不错。 ◆ I must put my affairs in order. 我必须整理整理我的事务。 ◆ a man in his thirties 一名三十多岁的男子 ◆ The daffodils were in full bloom. 水仙花正盛开。 11 ★ involved in sth; taking part in sth 参与;参加 ◆ to act in a play 参加演戏 12 ★ used to show sb's job or profession (显示工作或职业) ◆ He is in the army. 他在军队服役。 ◆ She's in computers. 她从事计算机业。 ◆ in business 从商 13 ★ used to show the form, shape, arrangement or quantity of sth (显示某物的形式、形状、安排或数量) ◆ a novel in three parts 分为三部的小说 ◆ Roll it up in a ball. 把它卷成一个球。 ◆ They sat in rows. 他们一排一排地坐着。 ◆ People flocked in their thousands to see her. 现场聚集了数以千计的人争相目睹她的丰采。 14 ★ used to show the language, material, etc. used (表示使用的语言、材料等) ◆ Say it in English. 用英语说吧。 ◆ She wrote in pencil. 她用铅笔写的。 ◆ Put it in writing. 把它写下来。 ◆ I paid in cash. 我用现金支付的。 ◆ He spoke in a loud voice. 他大声说话。 15 ★ concerning sth 关于;在…方面 ◆ She was not lacking in courage. 她并不缺乏勇气。 ◆ a country rich in minerals 矿藏丰富的国家 ◆ three metres in length 三米长 16 while doing sth; while sth is happening 做…时;…发生时;当…时 ◆ In attempting to save the child from drowning, she nearly lost her own life. 她在抢救落水的儿童时,自己差点丧命。 ◆ In all the commotion I forgot to tell him the news. 在一阵混乱之中我忘了告诉他那个消息。 17 used to introduce the name of a person who has a particular quality (引出具某种品质的人的名字) ◆ We're losing a first-rate editor in Jen. 我们即将失去詹恩这位一流的编辑。 18 used to show a rate or relative amount (显示比率或相对数量) ◆ a gradient of one in five 五分之一的坡度 ◆ a tax rate of 22 pence in the pound 每英镑 22 便士的税率 IDIOM in that / ɪn ðət ; NAmE ɪn ðət / ( formal) for the reason that; because 原因是;因为 ◆ She was fortunate in that she had friends to help her. 她很幸运,有一些朋友帮助她。 adverb ★ HELP For the special uses of inin phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example fill in (for sb)is in the phrasal verb section at fill. *in 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 fill in (for sb) 在词条 fill 的短语动词部份。 1 ★ contained within an object, an area or a substance 在里面;在内 ◆ We were locked in. 我们被锁在里面了。 ◆ I can't drink coffee with milk in. 我不能喝加牛奶的咖啡。 2 ★ into an object, an area or a substance 进入 ◆ She opened the door and went in. 她打开门进去了。 ◆ The kids were playing by the river and one of them fell in. 孩子们在河边玩耍时,其中一个突然落水了。 3 ★ (of people 人 ) at home or at a place of work 在家里;在工作单位 ◆ Nobody was in when we called. 我们打电话过去时没有人在。 OPP out 4 ★ (of trains, buses, etc. 火车、公共汽车等 ) at the place where people can get on or off, for example the station 在车站;在停靠站 ◆ The bus is due in (= it should arrive)at six. 公共汽车应该在六点钟到站。 5 ★ (of letters, etc. 信件等 ) received 收到;被投递到 ◆ Applications must be in by April 30. 申请务必于四月三十日之前寄到。 6 ★ (of the tide 潮汐 ) at or towards its highest point on land 上涨;在最高点 ◆ Is the tide coming in or going out? 现在是涨潮还是落潮? 7 elected 当选 ◆ Several new councillors got in at the last election. 几位新政务委员在最近一轮选举中当选。 8 (in cricket, baseball,etc. 板球、棒球等 ) if a team or team member is in,they are batting 击球 9 (in tennis,etc. 网球等 ) if the ball is in,it has landed inside the line (球)落在界内 ◆ Her serve was just in. 她发的球刚好落在界内。 IDIOMS be in at sth to be present when sth happens 某事发生时在场 ◆ They were in at the start. 开始时他们在场。 be ˈin for sth ( informal) to be going to experience sth soon, especially sth unpleasant 即将经历,即将遭受(不愉快的事) ◆ He's in for a shock! 他很快就会感到震惊的! ◆ I'm afraid we're in for a storm. 看来我们就要遇到风暴了。 be/get ˈin on sth ( informal) to be/become involved in sth; to share or know about sth 参与;了解 ◆ I'd like to be in on the plan. 我很想参与这项计划。 ◆ Is she in on the secret? 她知道这个秘密吗? be (well) ˈin with sb ( informal) to be (very) friendly with sb, and likely to get an advantage from the friendship 和…(十分)友好(很可能从中得到好处) ˌin and ˈout (of sth) going regularly to a place 时常出入 ◆ He was in and out of jail for most of his life. 他大半生的时间都是监狱的常客。 adjective [usually before noun ] ( informal) popular and fashionable 流行的;时髦的 ◆ Purple is the in colour this spring. 紫色是今年春天的流行色。 ◆ Exotic pets are the in thing right now. 奇异的宠物眼下很时髦。 ◆ Short skirts are in again. 现在又时兴穿短裙子了。 ☞see also in-joke noun IDIOMS an ˈin to sth = a way into sth at way n. have an ˈin with sb ( especially NAmE) to have influence with sb 对某人有影响 the ˌins and ˈouts (of sth) all the details, especially the complicated or difficult ones (尤指复杂或难的)全部细节,详情 ◆ the ins and outs of the problem 问题的来龙去脉 ◆ He quickly learned the ins and outs of the job. 他很快就掌握了工作的全部诀窍。 in / ɪn ; NAmE ɪn /
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