- Anything impure is contaminated or corrupted. Water that has sea monkeys swimming in it is impure. Don’t drink it!
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- adj. 不纯的;肮脏的;道德败坏的
1. Indians have also been told not to eat during an eclipse for fear of consuming impure foods.
2. So, for example, impurity was often connected with belief in evil spirits and impure demons.
3. Zoroastrians believe the body is impure and shouldn't pollute the earth after death through burial or cremation.
im·pure / ɪmˈpjʊə(r) ; NAmE ɪmˈpjʊr / adjective 1 not pure or clean; not consisting of only one substance but mixed with one or more substances often of poorer quality 不纯的;不洁的;有杂质的 ◆ impure gold 不纯的金子 2 ( old-fashioned or formal) (of thoughts or feelings 思想或感情 ) morally bad, especially because they are connected with sex 道德败坏的;(尤指)淫乱的 OPP pure im·pure / ɪmˈpjʊə(r) ; NAmE ɪmˈpjʊr /
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