- To impugn means to call into question or attack as wrong. If your usually grumpy brother is suddenly nice and sweet, you'll impugn his motives if you're smart — he probably just wants something from you.
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- vt. 指责,非难;抨击;反驳;对…表示怀疑
1. Overly proud people refuse to admit their mistakes — and sometimes even deny the fact that they make them — because they feel that it would impugn their image.
过于自负的人拒绝承认自己的错误 — 甚至有时候否认自己制造错误的事实 — 因为他们感觉那将会打击到自己的形象。
2. A senior ISI official denied the allegations, saying they were from raw intelligence reports that had not been verified and were meant to impugn the reputation of the spy agency.
- impugn (v.) "attack by argument," late 14c., from Old French impugner (14c.), from Latin impugnare "to fight against, assault, attack," from assimilated form of in- "into, in, on, upon" (from PIE root *en "in") + pugnare "to fight" (see pugnacious). Related: Impugned; impugning. Impugnable has meant "liable to be assailed" (1823) and "that cannot be assailed" (1560s).
im·pugn / ɪmˈpjuːn ; NAmE ɪmˈpjuːn / verb impugnsth ( formal) to express doubts about whether sth is right, honest, etc. 对…表示怀疑;置疑 SYN challenge impugn impugns impugned impugning im·pugn / ɪmˈpjuːn ; NAmE ɪmˈpjuːn /
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