immunologist [,ɪmjə'nɑlədʒəst]  


immunologist  [,ɪmjə'nɑlədʒəst]

n. 免疫学者 


A few years ago, a well-known research immunologist injected himself with hookworms and reduced his allergic symptoms (shudder). 很多年前,一位知名的免疫学家就曾给自己注射钩虫,来减轻自己的过敏症状。
But Montagnier’s new direction evokes one of the most notorious affairs in French science: the “water memory” study by immunologist Jacques Benveniste. 但是这位大爷的新研究方向让我们想起法国科学史上最名声狼藉,臭名昭著的 “记忆水”事件。 这是由免疫学家Jacques Benveniste做得一个工作。

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  • n. 免疫学者
  • 1. A few years ago, a well-known research immunologist injected himself with hookworms and reduced his allergic symptoms (shudder).


  • 2. But Montagnier’s new direction evokes one of the most notorious affairs in French science: the “water memory” study by immunologist Jacques Benveniste.

    但是这位大爷的新研究方向让我们想起法国科学史上最名声狼藉,臭名昭著的 “记忆水”事件。 这是由免疫学家Jacques Benveniste做得一个工作。

  • 3. Twenty years ago, people would have laughed at the suggestion that gut microbes could influence brain function, says immunologist Sven Pettersson of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

    来自Stockholm斯德哥尔摩的Karolinska卡卢林学院的免疫学家斯温Sven Pettersson说,二十年前,对于肠道微生物可以影响大脑活动这样的建议,人们可能会觉得这是个笑话。

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