humiliation 英 [hju:ˌmɪlɪ'eɪʃn]   美 [hjuˌmɪliˈeʃən]


humiliation  英 [hju:ˌmɪlɪ'eɪʃn] 美 [hjuˌmɪliˈeʃən]

n. 丢脸,耻辱;蒙羞;谦卑 


It is not a humiliation but I am very disappointed. It is sad for us. 输给巴萨不能说是丢脸,只是我非常失望,对全队和我自己失望。
I have killed them so that I would not have to suffer the humiliation of their dishonorable actions. 我已经杀了她们,这样我就可以不用再忍受她们无耻行为所带来的耻辱。

  • Humiliation describes a strong feeling of embarrassment or mortification — like that time in sixth grade when your mother wiped your face and called you "honey bunny" in front of all your friends.
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  • n. 丢脸,耻辱;蒙羞;谦卑
  • 1. It is not a humiliation but I am very disappointed. It is sad for us.


  • 2. I have killed them so that I would not have to suffer the humiliation of their dishonorable actions.


  • 3. They talked about betrayal and humiliation of the Serb people and sick fancy of this government here in Serbia towards Brussels.


  • humiliation (n.) late 14c., from Old French humiliacion (14c.) or directly from Late Latin humiliationem (nominative humiliatio) "humbling, humiliation," noun of action from past participle stem of humiliare "to humble," from humilis "humble" (see humble (adj.)).
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