honest 英 [ˈɒnɪst]   美 [ˈɑnɪst]


honest  英 [ˈɒnɪst] 美 [ˈɑnɪst]

adj. 诚实的 

To be honest or to lie? 诚实还是撒谎?
an honest man,an honest woman 诚实的男人╱女人

  • The adjective honest is perfect for describing someone who tells the truth. If you're always honest, it means you're truthful and sincere no matter what.
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  • adj. 诚实的
  • 1. To be honest or to lie?


  • 2. an honest man,an honest woman


  • 3. an honest answer


  • 4. Thank you for being so honest with me.


  • 5. Give me your honest opinion.


  • 6. She's got an honest face.


  • 7. It's quite a struggle to make an honest living.


  • honest (adj.) c. 1300, "respectable, decent, of neat appearance," also "free from fraud," from Old French oneste, honeste "virtuous, honorable; decent, respectable" (12c.; Modern French honnête), from Latin honestus "honorable, respected, regarded with honor," figuratively "deserving honor, honorable, respectable," from honos (see honor (n.)) + suffix -tus. Main modern sense of "dealing fairly, truthful, free from deceit" is c. 1400, as is sense of "virtuous, having the virtue of chastity" (of women). Phrase to make an honest woman of "marry (a woman) after seduction" is from 1620s.
hon·est / ˈɒnɪst ; NAmE ˈɑːnɪst / adjective 1 always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating 诚实的;老实的;正直的 an honest man/woman 诚实的男人╱女人 OPP dishonest 2 not hiding the truth about sth 坦率的;坦诚的 an honest answer 坦率的回答 honest(about sth) Are you being completely honest about your feelings? 你丝毫没有隐瞒你的感情吗? honest(with sb) Thank you for being so honest with me. 感谢你对我这么坦诚。 Give me your honest opinion. 告诉我你的真实意见。 To be honest (= what I really think is),it was one of the worst books I've ever read. 说实在的,那是我读过的最差的书之一。 Let's be honest,she's only interested in Mike because of his money. 坦率地说吧,她对迈克有好感只不过是因为他有钱。 3 showing an honest mind or attitude 真诚的;显示内心诚意的;表示态度诚恳的 She's got an honest face. 她有一张真诚的面孔。 4 (of work or wages 工作或工资 ) earned or resulting from hard work 辛勤挣得的;勤劳的 He hasn't done an honest day's workin his life. 他一辈子从未努力认真干过一天活儿。 It's quite a struggle to make an honest living. 要踏实地过日子,总是十分辛苦的。 HELP  Use an,not a,before honest. *honest 之前用 an,不用 a。 IDIOMS honest! ( informal) used to emphasize that you are not lying 真的;我发誓 I didn't mean it, honest! 我不是有意的,真的! honest to ˈGod/ˈgoodness used to emphasize that what you are saying is true 老天爷作证;说实话 Honest to God, Mary, I'm not joking. 老天爷作证,玛丽,我不是开玩笑。 HELP  Some people find this use offensive. 有人认为此用法含冒犯意。 make an honest ˈwoman of sb ( old-fashioned, humorous) to marry a woman after having had a sexual relationship with her 与跟自己有过性关系的女人结婚 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 honest frank direct open outspoken straight blunt These words all describe people saying exactly what they mean without trying to hide feelings, opinions or facts. 以上各词均形容人坦率、坦诚。 honest not hiding the truth about sth 指坦率的、坦诚的: Thank you for being so honest with me. 感谢你对我这么坦诚。 frank honest in what you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like 指坦率的、直率的(有时可能不讨人喜欢): To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam. 坦白说,我认为你的儿子不大可能通过考试。 direct saying exactly what you mean in a way that nobody can pretend not to understand 指直接的、直率的、坦率的: You'll have to get used to his direct manner. 你得慢慢习惯他这种直率的方式。 NOTEBeing directis sometimes considered positive but sometimes it is used as a ‘polite’ way of saying that sb is rude. *direct 有时被认为含褒义,但有时是以礼貌的方式表示某人有些无礼。 open ( approving) (of a person) not keeping thoughts and feelings hidden 指为人诚恳的、坦诚的、直率的: He was quite open about his reasons for leaving. 他对离开的原因完全未加隐瞒。 outspoken saying exactly what you think, even if this shocks or offends people 指直率的、坦诚的、直言不讳的: She was outspoken in her criticism of the plan. 她对该计划的批评直言不讳。 straight honest and direct 指坦诚的、直率的: I don't think you're being straight with me. 我觉得你没跟我坦诚相见。 blunt saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite 指嘴直的、直言不讳的: She has a reputation for blunt speaking. 她说话出了名的直截了当。 which word? 词语辨析 Honestand frankrefer to whatyou say as much as howyou say it. *honest 和 frank 既指说话方式,也指说话内容: a(n) honest/frank admission of guilt 坦承有罪 They are generally positive words, although it is possible to be toofrank in a way that other people might not like. 这两个词通常用作褒义词,但有时也可能指过于直率而使人不快。 Direct, outspokenand bluntall describe sb's manner of saying what they think. Outspokensuggests that you are willing to shock people by saying what you believe to be right. Bluntand directoften suggest that you think honesty is more important than being polite. Openis positive and describes sb's character. *direct、outspoken 和 blunt 都表示说话方式直率,其中 outspoken 表示宁可冒犯他人也要直抒己见; blunt 和 direct 常表示说话人认为诚实比客套重要; open 含褒义,用来形容人的性格: I'm a very open person. 我这个人非常坦诚直率。 PATTERNS honest/frank/direct/open/outspoken/straight aboutsth honest/frank/direct/open/straight/blunt withsb a(n) honest/direct/straight/blunt answer a frank/direct/blunt manner hon·est / ˈɒnɪst ; NAmE ˈɑːnɪst /
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