home 英 [həʊm]   美 [hoʊm]


home  英 [həʊm] 美 [hoʊm]

n. 家;家乡;  adv. 在家,回家; 

进行时:homing  过去式:homed  过去分词:homed  第三人称单数:homes  名词复数:homes 

the family home 家庭住宅
a children's home 儿童之家

  • Home is where you live: your house, apartment, or condo. It's also the place we feel most comfortable, loved, and protected — where we most feel at home.
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  • n. 家;家乡;
  • adv. 在家,回家;
  • 1. the family home


  • 2. a children's home


  • 3. She came from a violent home.


  • 4. She leaves home at 7 every day.

    她每天 7 点钟离家。

  • 5. Come on, it's time to go home.


  • 6. What time did you get home last night?


  • 7. We are not far from my home now.


  • 8. I dropped in on him on my way home.


  • 9. He left home at sixteen.


  • 10. A lot of new homes are being built on the edge of town.


  • home (n.) Old English ham "dwelling place, house, abode, fixed residence; estate; village; region, country," from Proto-Germanic *haimaz "home" (source also of Old Frisian hem "home, village," Old Norse heimr "residence, world," heima "home," Danish hjem, Middle Dutch heem, German heim "home," Gothic haims "village"), from PIE *(t)koimo-, suffixed form of root *tkei- "to settle, dwell, be home." As an adjective from 1550s. The old Germanic sense of "village" is preserved in place names and in hamlet.
  • home (v.) 1765, "to go home," from home (n.). Meaning "be guided to a destination by radio signals, etc." (of missiles, aircraft, etc.) is from 1920; it had been used earlier in reference to pigeons (1862). Related: Homed; homing. Old English had hamian "to establish in a home."
home / həʊm ; NAmE hoʊm / noun , adjective , adverb , verb home homes homed homing noun house, etc. 房子等 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] the house or flat/apartment that you live in, especially with your family 家;住所 We are not far from my home now. 我们现在离我家不远了。 Old people prefer to stay in their own homes. 老年人喜欢待在自己家中。 She leaves home at 7 every day. 她每天 7 点钟离家。 the family home 家庭住宅 While travelling she missed the comforts of home. 旅行期间她想念家里的舒适。 He left home (= left his parents and began an independent life)at sixteen. 他十六岁时离家独立生活。 Nowadays a lot of people work from home. 如今有很多人在家工作。 I'll call you from home later. 我过会儿从家里给你打电话。 ( figurative) We haven't found a home for all our books yet (= a place where they can be kept). 我们还没找到存放全部书籍的地方。 stray dogs needing new homes 需要新家的流浪狗 see also stay-at-home 2 [countable ] a house or flat/apartment, etc, when you think of it as property that can be bought and sold (可买卖的)房子,住宅,寓所 a holiday/summer home 假日╱消夏寓所 A lot of new homes are being built on the edge of town. 小镇外围正在兴建很多新房屋。 Private home ownershipis increasing faster than ever. 私有房产正以前所未有的速度增长。 They applied for a home improvement loan. 他们申请了房屋修缮贷款。 collocationsat decorate , house see also mobile home , second home , stately home town/country 城镇;国家 3 [countable ,  uncountable ] the town, district, country, etc. that you come from, or where you are living and that you feel you belong to 家乡;故乡;定居地 I often think about my friends back home. 我常常想起老家的朋友。 Jane left England and made Greece her home. 简离开了英国,在希腊安了家。 Jamaica is home to over two million people. 牙买加是两百多万人的家乡。 family 家庭 4 [countable ] used to refer to a family living together, and the way it behaves 家庭 She came from a violent home. 她出身于一个有暴力行为的家庭。 He had always wanted a real home with a wife and children. 他一直想要一个有妻子和孩子的真正的家庭。 see also broken home for old people/children 老年人;孩子 5 [countable ] a place where people who cannot care for themselves live and are cared for by others 养老院;养育院 a children's home 儿童之家 an old people's home 养老院 a retirement home 退休疗养院 a home for the mentally ill 精神病院 She has lived in a homesince she was six. 她从六岁起就在保育院生活。 see also nursing home , rest home for pets 宠物 6 [countable ] a place where pets with no owner are taken care of 收养所 a dogs'/cats' home 狗╱猫之家 of plant/animal 动植物 7 [singular ,  uncountable ] the place where a plant or animal usually lives; the place where sb/sth can be found 生息地;栖息地;产地 This region is the home of many species of wild flower. 这个地区有很多种类的野花。 The tiger's home is in the jungle. 老虎栖息在丛林里。 The Rockies are home to bears and mountain lions. 落基山脉中有熊和美洲狮栖息。 where sth first done 发祥地 8 [singular ] the homeof sth the place where sth was first discovered, made or invented 发源地;发祥地 New Orleans, the home of jazz 新奥尔良,爵士乐的发源地 Greece, the home of democracy 希腊,民主的发祥地 IDIOMS at ˈhome 1 in a person's own house, flat/apartment, etc. 在家里 I phoned you last night, but you weren't at home. 我昨晚给你打电话了,但你不在家。 Oh no, I left my purse at home. 糟了,我把钱包落在家里了。 He lived at home (= with his parents)until he was thirty. 他一直和父母同住到三十岁。 2 comfortable and relaxed 舒适自在;无拘无束 Sit down and make yourself at home. 坐下,别拘束。 Simon feels very at home on a horse. 西蒙骑马得心应手。 3 ( used especially in journalism 尤用于报刊新闻 ) in sb's own country, not in a foreign country 在本国;在国内 The president is not as popular at home as he is abroad. 总统在国内不如在国外受欢迎。 4 if a sports team plays at home,it plays in the town, etc. that it comes from (比赛队)在主场 Leeds are playing at home this weekend. 本周末利兹队将在主场进行比赛。 Is the match on Saturday at home or away? 星期六的比赛是在主场还是在客场? away from ˈhome 1 away from a person's own house, flat/apartment, etc. 离开家 He works away from home during the week. 他除了周末都在外工作。 I don't want to be away from home for too long. 我不想离家时间太长。 2 ( BrE) if a sports team plays away from home,it plays in the town, etc. that its opponent comes from (比赛队)在客场 a ˌhome from ˈhome ( BrE) ( NAmE a ˌhome away from ˈhome ) a place where you feel relaxed and comfortable as if you were in your own home 像家一样舒适自在的地方 ˌhome is where the ˈheart is ( saying) a home is where the people you love are 家乃心之所系 home sweet ˈhome ( often ironic) used to say how pleasant your home is (especially when you really mean that it is not pleasant at all) 可爱的家;家总是家(有时有反讽意思,指并不愉快) set up ˈhome ( BrE) (used especially about a couple) to start living in a new place (尤指夫妇)建立家庭,成家 They got married and set up home together in Hull. 他们结婚了,一同在赫尔建立了新家。 when he's, it's, etc. at ˈhome ( BrE) ( humorous) used to emphasize a question about sb/sth (加强疑问语气)到底,究竟 Who's she when she's at home? (= I don't know her) 她到底是谁? more at charity , close 2 adj. , eat , Englishman , spiritual adj. adjective [only before noun ] where you live 1 connected with the place where you live 家的;家庭的 home life (= with your family) 家庭生活 a person's home address/town 家庭地址;家乡 We offer customers a free home deliveryservice. 我们为客户提供免费送货上门的服务。 made/used at home 家里做╱用 2 made or used at home 在家里做的;家用的 home movies 家庭电影 home cooking 家常饭菜 a home computer 家用电脑 own country 本国 3 ( especially BrE) connected with your own country rather than foreign countries 本国的;国内的 SYN domestic products for the home market 为国内市场生产的产品 home news/affairs 国内新闻╱事件 OPP foreign , overseas in sport 体育运动 4 connected with a team's own sports ground 主场的 a home match/win 主场比赛╱胜利 the home team 主队 Rangers were playing in front of their home crowd. 流浪队在主场观众面前比赛。 compare away  (6 ) adverb where you live 居住地 1 to or at the place where you live 到家;向家;在家 Come on, it's time to go home. 快点,该回家了。 What time did you get homelast night? 你昨晚什么时间到家的? The trip has been exhausting and I'll be glad to be home. 这个旅程令人疲惫不堪,要是能回家就好了。 After a month, they went back hometo America. 一个月之后,他们返回了美国。 It was a lovely day so I walked home. 那天天气很好,所以我走路回家了。 Anna will drive me home after work. 下班后安娜会开车送我回家。 Hopefully the doctors will allow her home tomorrow. 明天医生可望会允许她回家。 ( NAmE) I like to stay homein the evenings. 我喜欢晚上待在家里。 into correct position 正确位置 2 into the correct position 到正确的位置 She leaned on the door and pushed the bolt home. 她倚在门上,上好了门闩。 He drove the ball home (= scored a goal)from 15 metres. 他从 15 米远处劲射破门得分。 The torpedo struck home on the hull of the ship. 鱼雷正击中船身。 IDIOMS be home and ˈdry ( BrE) ( NAmE be home ˈfree ) to have done sth successfully, especially when it was difficult 做成某事(尤指难事) I could see the finish line and thought I was home and dry. 我能看见终点线了,我想我终于成功了。 bring home the ˈbacon ( informal) to be successful at sth; to earn money for your family to live on 成功;挣到养家糊口的钱 bring sth ˈhome to sb to make sb realize how important, difficult or serious sth is 使某人了解某事的重要性(或艰难、严重程度) The television pictures brought home to us the full horror of the attack. 电视画面使我们充分地了解这次袭击有多么恐怖。 come ˈhome to sb to become completely clear to sb, often in a way that is painful 使人(痛苦地)完全明白 It suddenly came home to him that he was never going to see Julie again. 他突然明白他再也见不到朱莉了。 sth comes home to ˈroost ( also the chickens come home to ˈroost ) used to say that if sb says or does sth bad or wrong, it will affect them badly in the future 自食恶果;报应到自己身上 hit/strike ˈhome if a remark, etc. hits/strikes home,it has a strong effect on sb, in a way that makes them realize what the true facts of a situation are (言语等)正中要害,说到点子上 Her face went pale as his words hit home. 他的话切中要害,她的脸变白了。 more at cow n. , drive v. , light n. , press v. , ram v. , romp v. , write verb PHRASAL VERB ˌhome ˈin on sth 1 to aim at sth and move straight towards it 朝向,移向,导向(目标) The missile homed in on the target. 导弹正向目标飞去。 2 to direct your thoughts or attention towards sth 把(思想、注意力)集中于 I began to feel I was really homing in on the answer. 我开始觉得我快找到答案了。 home / həʊm ; NAmE hoʊm /
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