high and mighty 英 [hai ænd ˈmaɪti:]   美 [haɪ ənd ˈmaɪti]

high and mighty

high and mighty  英 [hai ænd ˈmaɪti:] 美 [haɪ ənd ˈmaɪti]

phrase. 趾高气扬的 

He is never high and mighty in the locker room or anything like that. 在更衣室里或其他什么地方,他从不故作比别人高一等。
But should the high and mighty get off when ordinary people committing the same crimes would go to prison? 普通人犯同样的罪要进监狱,位高权重者就该逃脱吗?

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  • phrase. 趾高气扬的
  • 1. He is never high and mighty in the locker room or anything like that.


  • 2. But should the high and mighty get off when ordinary people committing the same crimes would go to prison?


  • 3. “The high and mighty,” he argued, “are often denied the “bodily attributes of their position, such as height or beauty.


See highhigh and ˈmighty
(informal)behaving as though you think you are more important than other people趾高气扬;神气活现;自高自大
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