-high 英 [haɪ]   美 [haɪ]


-high  英 [haɪ] 美 [haɪ]

adj. 高的;高级的;崇高的;高音调的  n. 高水平;天空;由麻醉品引起的快感;高压地带  adv. 高;奢侈地 

Based on the state-of-the-art technique, the parameters of the SBIRS-high satellites are estimated. 根据目前的技术水平分析了高空天基红外系统(SBIRS-HIGH)的技术参数;
At the present time, there are three major programs dedicated to supporting a U.S. defense capability against intercontinental and theater ballistic missiles. 目前,共有3项计划支持美国发展洲际和战区弹道导弹防御能力,分别是-波音公司的YAL-1A机载激光器(ABL)、空间跟踪与监视系统(STSS)和天基红外系统-高轨(SBIRS-High)。

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  • adj. 高的;高级的;崇高的;高音调的
  • n. 高水平;天空;由麻醉品引起的快感;高压地带
  • adv. 高;奢侈地
  • 1. Based on the state-of-the-art technique, the parameters of the SBIRS-high satellites are estimated.


  • 2. At the present time, there are three major programs dedicated to supporting a U.S. defense capability against intercontinental and theater ballistic missiles.


  • 3. Social media provides a place for people to exchange some relatively high-intensity strokes .

    社会化媒体给现在的人们提供了一个可以交换相对高程度“肯定”(high-intensity strokes)的平台。

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