happy 英 [ˈhæpi]   美 [ˈhæpi]


happy  英 [ˈhæpi] 美 [ˈhæpi]

adj. 幸福的;高兴的; 

比较级:happier  最高级:happiest 

a happy smile/face 快活的微笑╱面容
a happy marriage/memory/childhood 幸福的婚姻╱回忆╱童年

  • Happy is a feeling of joy, pleasure, or good fortune — exactly how you'd feel if you learned that you won the lottery or got accepted into your number one choice of colleges.
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  • adj. 幸福的;高兴的;
  • 1. a happy smile/face


  • 2. a happy marriage/memory/childhood


  • 3. I'm very happy for you.


  • 4. Are you happy with that arrangement?


  • 5. I'm happy to leave it till tomorrow.


  • happy (adj.) late 14c., "lucky, favored by fortune, being in advantageous circumstances, prosperous;" of events, "turning out well," from hap (n.) "chance, fortune" + -y (2). Sense of "very glad" first recorded late 14c. Meaning "greatly pleased and content" is from 1520s. Old English had eadig (from ead "wealth, riches") and gesælig, which has become silly. Old English bliðe "happy" survives as blithe. From Greek to Irish, a great majority of the European words for "happy" at first meant "lucky." An exception is Welsh, where the word used first meant "wise."
  • happy (adv.) late 14c., from happy (adj.).
happy WORD FAMILY happy adjective (≠unhappy ) happily adverb (≠unhappily ) happiness noun (≠unhappiness ) / ˈhæpi ; NAmE ˈhæpi / adjective ( hap·pier , hap·pi·est ) feeling/giving pleasure 感到╱给予快乐 1 feeling or showing pleasure; pleased 感到(或显得)快乐的;高兴的 a happy smile/face 快活的微笑╱面容 You don't look very happy today. 你今天好像不太高兴。 happyto do sth We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter. 我们高兴地宣布,我们的女儿已订婚。 happyfor sb I'm very happy for you. 我真为你感到高兴。 happy(that)… I'm happy (that) you could come. 我很高兴你能来。 synonyms at glad 2 giving or causing pleasure 给予(或带来)快乐的;使人高兴的;幸福的 a happy marriage/memory/childhood 幸福的婚姻╱回忆╱童年 The story has a happy ending. 故事的结局很圆满。 Those were the happiest days of my life. 那是我一生中最幸福的一段时光。 at celebration 祝贺 3 if you wish sb a Happy Birthday, Happy New Year,etc. you mean that you hope they have a pleasant celebration (表示祝愿,如 Happy Birthday 生日快乐、Happy New Year 新年好等) satisfied 满意 4 satisfied that sth is good or right; not anxious (对事物)满意的,放心的 happy(with sb/sth) Are you happy with that arrangement? 你对这一安排感到满意吗? I'm not happy with his work this term. 我对他这学期的表现不满意。 She was happy enough with her performance. 她对于自己的表现还算满意。 happy(about sb/sth) If there's anything you're not happy about, come and ask. 你如果有什么不满意的,来说一声。 I'm not too happy about her living alone. 我不太放心让她一个人住。 I said I'd go just to keep him happy. 我说过我要走只是为了让他高兴。 willing 情愿 5 happyto do sth ( formal) willing or pleased to do sth 情愿,乐意(做某事) I'm happy to leave it till tomorrow. 我愿意把它留到明天再做。 He will be more than happyto come with us. 他巴不得和我们一起来。 lucky 幸运 6 lucky; successful 幸运的;成功的 SYN fortunate By a happy coincidence,we arrived at exactly the same time. 碰巧运气好,我们恰恰同时到达。 He is in the happy position ofnever having to worry about money. 他运气真好,从来不用为金钱操心。 suitable 合适 7 ( formal) (of words, ideas or behaviour 言语、思想或行为 ) suitable and appropriate for a particular situation 合适的;恰当的 That wasn't the happiest choice of words. 那样的措辞并不是十分恰当。 hap·pi·ness happiness happinesses / ˈhæpinəs ; NAmE ˈhæpinəs / noun [uncountable ] to findtrue happiness 寻找真正的幸福 Her eyes shone with happiness. 她双眼闪烁着幸福的光芒。 synonyms at satisfaction IDIOMS a ˌhappy eˈvent the birth of a baby (生孩子)喜事 a/the happy ˈmedium something that is in the middle between two choices or two ways of doing sth 折衷办法 not a ˌhappy ˈbunny ( BrE) ( NAmE not a ˌhappy ˈcamper ) ( informal) not pleased about a situation 对境况不满意 She wasn't a happy bunny at all. 她一点儿都不满意。 many happy reˈturns (of the ˈday) used to wish sb a happy and pleasant birthday (生日祝福)生日快乐,长命百岁 more at mean n. SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 happy satisfied content contented joyful blissful These words all describe feeling, showing or giving pleasure or satisfaction. 以上各词均表示快乐、愉快、满意。 happy feeling, showing or giving pleasure; satisfied with sth or not worried about it 指快乐的、满意的、放心的: a happy marriage/ memory/ childhood 幸福的婚姻╱回忆╱童年 I said I'd go, just to keep him happy. 我说过我要去只是为了让他高兴。 satisfied pleased because you have achieved sth or because sth has happened as you wanted it to; showing this satisfaction 指满意的、满足的、欣慰的: She's never satisfied with what she's got. 她对自己所得到的从不感到满足。 a satisfied smile 满意的微笑 content [not before noun] happy and satisfied with what you have 指满意、满足: I'm perfectly content just tolie in the sun. 我在阳光下躺着就感到非常满足。 contented happy and comfortable with what you have; showing this 指满意的、满足的、惬意的: a contented baby 心满意足的小宝贝 a long contented sigh 惬意的长叹 content or contented? 用 content 还是 contented? Being contenteddepends more on having a comfortable life; being contentcan depend more on your attitude to your life: you can have to be contentor learn to be content.People or animals can be contentedbut only people can be content. *contented 多指因生活舒适而惬意; content 多指对生活的态度,可以用 have to be content (只好知足)或 learn to be content (学会知足)。人和动物均可用 contented,但只有人才能用 content。 joyful ( rather formal) very happy; making people very happy 指高兴的、快乐的、令人愉快的 blissful making people very happy; showing this happiness 指令人愉快的、极乐的、幸福的: three blissful weeks away 无忧无虑的三周假期 joyful or blissful? 用 joyful 还是 blissful? Joyis a livelier feeling; blissis more peaceful. *joy 较活跃和富活力,bliss 则较平和。 PATTERNS happy/satisfied/content/contented withsth a happy/satisfied/contented/blissful smile a happy/joyful occasion / occasion to feelhappy/satisfied/content/contented/joyful very / very happy/satisfied/content/contented happy happier happiest happy / ˈhæpi ; NAmE ˈhæpi / hap·pi·ness / ˈhæpinəs ; NAmE ˈhæpinəs /
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