gulp 英 [gʌlp]   美 [ɡʌlp]


gulp  英 [gʌlp] 美 [ɡʌlp]

vt. 狼吞虎咽地吃;大口地吸  vi. 哽住;喘不过气  n. 一大口(尤指液体);吞咽 

进行时:gulping  过去式:gulped  过去分词:gulped  第三人称单数:gulps  名词复数:gulps 

I wish someone had shown me an “after” picture when I was young and downing the Big gulp sodas. 我希望有人能在我年轻的时候当我大口喝苏打水的时候给我看看之后的效果图。
I pour myself some cereal and gulp it down in my home office while waiting for the computer to boot up. 在家中的办公室里等侯电脑启动时,我给自己灌下一些谷类食物,狼吞虎噎地咽下去。

  • To gulp is to loudly and quickly swallow food, drink, or air. You might gulp nervously before you stand up to make a speech.
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  • vt. 狼吞虎咽地吃;大口地吸
  • vi. 哽住;喘不过气
  • n. 一大口(尤指液体);吞咽
  • 1. I wish someone had shown me an “after” picture when I was young and downing the Big gulp sodas.


  • 2. I pour myself some cereal and gulp it down in my home office while waiting for the computer to boot up.


  • 3. However, when you sketch out the drawing, your visual system can then gulp down the information whole, in a way much more suited for look-up in your mental library.


  • gulp (n.) 1560s, from gulp (v.), or else from Flemish gulpe, Dutch gulp "stream of water, large draught."
  • gulp (v.) late 14c., a native coinage or else from Flemish gulpe or Dutch gulpen "to gush, pour forth, guzzle, swallow," in any case possibly of imitative origin (compare Swedish dialectal glapa "to gulp down"). Related: Gulped; gulping.
gulp / ɡʌlp ; NAmE ɡʌlp / verb , noun gulp gulps gulped gulping verb 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] gulp(sth) | gulpsth down to swallow large amounts of food or drink quickly 狼吞虎咽;大口吞咽;匆匆吞下 He gulped down the rest of his tea and went out. 他把剩下的茶一饮而尽便出去了。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] (+ speech) to swallow, but without eating or drinking anything, especially because of a strong emotion such as fear or surprise (尤因害怕或惊讶而)倒吸气 She gulped nervously before trying to answer. 她紧张地倒吸了一口气才设法回答。 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to breathe quickly and deeply, because you need more air 深呼吸;喘大气;大口大口地吸气 gulp(for sth) She came up gulping for air. 她气喘吁吁地走上前来。 gulpsth (in) He leant against the car, gulping in the cold air. 他倚着汽车大口大口地呼吸冷空气。 PHRASAL VERB ˌgulp sth↔ˈback to stop yourself showing your emotions by swallowing hard 咽下…(以防止感情的流露) She gulped back her tears and forced a smile. 她忍住泪水,强作笑容。 noun 1 gulp(of sth) an amount of sth that you swallow or drink quickly 吞饮的量;一大口 He took a gulpof coffee. 他喝了一大口咖啡。 2 an act of breathing in or of swallowing sth 吸入;吞咽 ‘Can you start on Monday?’ Amy gave a gulp. ‘Of course,’ she said. “你星期一开始可以吗?”埃米吸了一口气。“当然可以。”她说。 He drank the glass of whisky in one gulp. 他将整杯威士忌一饮而尽。 gulp / ɡʌlp ; NAmE ɡʌlp /
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