- Get ready, because gross has a few different meanings. When something is gross, it's disgusting. The noun, a gross, is the complete amount (before expenses), and the verb "to gross" is to bring in money.
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- adj. 总共的;粗野的;恶劣的;显而易见的
- vt. 总共收入
- n. 总额,总数
1. gross weight (= including the container or wrapping)
2. gross income/wage (= before taxes, etc. are taken away)
3. a gross violationof human rights
4. He ate it with mustard.’ ‘Oh, gross!’
5. gross behaviour
6. She's not just fat, she's positively gross!
7. She earns £25 000 a year gross.
她一年总收入为 25 000 英镑。
- gross (adj.) mid-14c., "large;" early 15c., "thick," also "coarse, plain, simple," from Old French gros "big, thick, fat; tall; strong, powerful; pregnant; coarse, rude, awkward; ominous, important; arrogant" (11c.), from Late Latin grossus "thick, coarse" (of food or mind), in Medieval Latin "great, big" (source also of Spanish grueso, Italian grosso), a word of obscure origin, not in classical Latin. Said to be unrelated to Latin crassus, which meant the same thing, or to German gross "large," but said by Klein to be cognate with Old Irish bres, Middle Irish bras "big."
- gross (n.) "a dozen dozen," early 15c., from Old French grosse douzaine "large dozen;" see gross (adj.). Earlier as the name of a measure of weight equal to one-eighth of a dram (early 15c.). Sense of "total profit" (opposed to net (adj.)) is from 1520s.
- gross (v.) "to earn a total of," 1884, from gross (adj.) in the "whole, total" sense. Slang meaning "make (someone) disgusted" (usually with out) is from 1971. Related: Grossed; grossing.
gross / ɡrəʊs ; NAmE ɡroʊs / adjective , adverb , verb , noun gross grosses grossed grossing adjective ( gross·er , gross·est ) 1 [only before noun ] being the total amount of sth before anything is taken away 总的;毛的 ◆ gross weight (= including the container or wrapping) 毛重 ◆ gross income/wage (= before taxes, etc. are taken away) (税前)总收益╱工资 ◆ Investments showed a gross profitof 26%. 投资毛利为 26%。 ☞compare net adj. (1 ) 2 [only before noun ] ( formal or law 律 ) (of a crime, etc. 罪行等 ) very obvious and unacceptable 严重的 ◆ gross indecency/negligence/misconduct 严重猥亵╱过失╱渎职 ◆ a gross violationof human rights 严重违反人权 3 ( informal) very unpleasant 令人不快的;令人恶心的;使人厌恶的 SYN disgusting ◆ ‘He ate it with mustard.’ ‘Oh, gross!’ “他用芥末拌着吃。”“啊,真恶心!” ☞synonyms at disgusting 4 very rude 粗鲁的;不雅的 SYN crude ◆ gross behaviour 粗鲁的行为 5 very fat and ugly 肥胖而丑陋的 ◆ She's not just fat, she's positively gross! 她不只是胖,她简直是五大三粗! ▶ gross·ness / ɡrəʊsnəs ; NAmE ɡroʊsnəs / noun [uncountable ] adverb in total, before anything is taken away 总共;全部 ◆ She earns £25 000 a year gross. 她一年总收入为 25 000 英镑。 ☞compare net adj. verb grosssth to earn a particular amount of money before tax has been taken off it 总收入为;总共赚得 ◆ It is one of the biggest grossing movies of all time. 这是票房收入创历史之最的影片之一。 PHRASAL VERB ˌgross sb ˈout ( NAmE) ( informal) to be very unpleasant and make sb feel disgusted 使人恶心;令人憎恶;令人作呕 SYN disgust ◆ His bad breath really grossed me out. 他的口臭实在使我恶心。 noun 1 ( plural gross ) a group of 144 things 一罗(144 个) ◆ two gross of apples 两罗苹果 ◆ to sell sth by the gross 按罗出售某物 2 ( plural grosses ) ( especially US) a total amount of money earned by sth, especially a film/movie, before any costs are taken away (尤指影片的)毛收入,总收入 gross / ɡrəʊs ; NAmE ɡroʊs / gross·ness / ɡrəʊsnəs ; NAmE ɡroʊsnəs /
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