grip 英 [grɪp]   美 [ɡrɪp]


grip  英 [grɪp] 美 [ɡrɪp]

n. 紧握;柄;支配;握拍方式;拍柄绷带  vt. 紧握;夹紧  vi. 抓住 

进行时:gripping  过去式:gripped  过去分词:gripped  第三人称单数:grips  名词复数:grips 

I cannot grip his argument. 我未能抓住他的论据。
He disengaged his arm from her grip. 他把手臂从她牢牢抓住的手中抽出来。

  • To grip something is to hold it firmly. You might grip the TV remote to keep your roommate from trying to change the channel.
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  • n. 紧握;柄;支配;握拍方式;拍柄绷带
  • vt. 紧握;夹紧
  • vi. 抓住
  • 1. I cannot grip his argument.


  • 2. He disengaged his arm from her grip.


  • 3. She tried to disengage herself from his grip.


  • grip (n.) c. 1200, "act of grasping or seizing; power or ability to grip," fusion of Old English gripe "grasp, clutch" and gripa "handful, sheaf" (see grip (v.)). Figurative use from mid-15c. Meaning "a handshake" (especially one of a secret society) is from 1785. Meaning "that by which anything is grasped" is from 1867. Meaning "stage hand" is from 1888, from their work shifting scenery.
  • grip (v.) Old English grippan "to grip, seize, obtain" (class I strong verb; past tense grap, past participle gripen), from West Germanic *gripjan (source also of Old High German gripfen "to rob," Old English gripan "to seize;" see gripe (v.)). Related: Gripped; gripping. French gripper "to seize," griffe "claw" are Germanic loan-words.
grip / ɡrɪp ; NAmE ɡrɪp / noun , verb grip grips gripped gripping noun holding tightly 紧握 1 [countable ,  usually singular ] grip(on sb/sth) an act of holding sb/sth tightly; a particular way of doing this 紧握;紧抓 SYN grasp Keep a tight grip on the rope. 紧紧抓住绳索不放。 to loosen/release/relax your grip 松手 She tried to get a grip onthe icy rock. 她尽力抓住那冰冷的石头。 The climber slipped and lost her grip. 登山女子滑了一下松开了手。 She struggled from his grip. 他紧拉住她不放,她奋力挣脱。 Try adjusting your grip on the racket. 试着调整一下你握球拍的方法。 control/power 控制力;影响力 2 [singular ] grip(on sb/sth) control or power over sb/sth (对…的)控制,影响力 The home team took a firm grip on the game. 主队牢牢控制着比赛的局面。 We need to tighten the grip we have on the market. 我们得加强对市场的控制力。 understanding 理解 3 [singular ] grip(on sth) an understanding of sth 理解;了解 SYN grasp I couldn't get a grip on what was going on. 我无法理解正在发生的事情。 You need to keep a good grip on reality in this job. 做这个工作你需要充分了解实际情况。 moving without slipping 不打滑 4 [uncountable ] the ability of sth to move over a surface without slipping 不打滑;走得稳 These tyres give the bus better grip in slippery conditions. 这些轮胎可使公共汽车在路滑时行驶得平稳一些。 part of object 物体部位 5 [countable ] a part of sth that has a special surface so that it can be held without the hands slipping 把手;手柄;握杆 the grip on a golf club 高尔夫球棒的握杆 for hair 头发 6 [countable ] ( BrE) = hairgrip job in the movies 影业工作 7 [countable ] a person who prepares and moves the cameras, and sometimes the lighting equipment, when a film/movie is being made (拍摄电影时)摄影机和灯光设备管理人员 bag 8 [countable ] ( old-fashioned) a large soft bag, used when travelling 旅行袋;手提包 IDIOMS come/get to ˈgrips with sth to begin to understand and deal with sth difficult 开始理解并着手处理难题 I'm slowly getting to grips with the language. 我慢慢开始掌握这种语言。 get/take a ˈgrip (on yourself) to improve your behaviour or control your emotions after being afraid, upset or angry 使(自己)镇定下来;控制住(自己的)情绪 I have to take a grip on myself, he told himself firmly. 我一定要控制住自己的情绪,他坚定地对自己说。 ( informal) Get a grip! (= make an effort to control your emotions) 镇静点! in the ˈgrip of sth experiencing sth unpleasant that cannot be stopped 处于不快却无法制止的境遇;受制于某事 a country in the grip of recession 陷入衰退的国家 lose your ˈgrip (on sth) to become unable to understand or control a situation 失去(对…的)理解(或控制);驾驭不住 Sometimes I feel I'm losing my grip. 有时我感到自己无能为力。 verb ( -pp- ) hold tightly 紧握 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to hold sth tightly 紧握;紧抓 SYN grasp gripsth ‘Please don't go,’ he said, gripping her arm. “请别走。”他紧紧抓住她的手臂说。 gripon to sth She gripped on to the railing with both hands. 她双手紧紧抓住栏杆。 synonyms at hold interest/excite 使感兴趣;使激动 2 [transitive ] gripsb to interest or excite sb; to hold sb's attention 使感兴趣;使激动;吸引住(某人)的注意 The book grips you from start to finish. 这本书从头至尾扣人心弦。 I was totally gripped by the story. 我完全被这故事吸引住了。 see also gripping have powerful effect 具有强烈的影响力 3 [transitive ] gripsb/sth (of an emotion or a situation 情绪或形势 ) to have a powerful effect on sb/sth 对…产生强有力的影响 I was gripped by a feeling of panic. 我惊恐万状。 Terrorism has gripped the country for the past two years. 两年来恐怖主义一直笼罩着这个国家。 move/hold without slipping 不打滑;抓牢 4 [transitive ,  intransitive ] grip(sth) to hold onto or to move over a surface without slipping 抓牢 tyres that grip the road 在公路上不打滑的车胎 grip / ɡrɪp ; NAmE ɡrɪp /
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