government 英 [ˈgʌvənmənt]   美 [ˈgʌvərnmənt]


government  英 [ˈgʌvənmənt] 美 [ˈgʌvərnmənt]

n. 政府; 


to lead a government,to form a government 领导政府;组成内阁
the government of the day 当时的政府

  • Your government is the system of people, laws, and officials that define and control the country that you live in. The U.S. government, for example, is a representative democracy with three branches.
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  • n. 政府;
  • 1. to lead a government,to form a government


  • 2. the government of the day


  • 3. government policies, government officials, government ministers


  • 4. centralgovernment,federal government


  • 5. strong government


  • government (n.) late 14c., "act of governing or ruling;" 1550s, "system by which a thing is governed" (especially a state), from Old French governement "control, direction, administration" (Modern French gouvernement), from governer "to govern" (see govern). Meaning "governing power" in a given place is from 1702. Compare governance.
gov·ern·ment / ˈɡʌvənmənt ; NAmE ˈɡʌvərnmənt / noun 1 [countable + singular or plural verb ] ( oftenthe Government ) ( abbr.govt ) the group of people who are responsible for controlling a country or a state 政府;内阁 to lead/form a government 领导政府;组成内阁 the last Conservative government 上届保守党政府 the government of the day 当时的政府 Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision. 这一决定曾征求过他国政府的意见。 She has resigned from the Government. 她已辞去内阁职位。 The Government has/have been considering further tax cuts. 政府一直在考虑进一步减税的问题。 government policies/officials/ministers 政府政策;内阁官员╱部长 a government department/agency/grant 政府部门╱机构╱拨款 government expenditure/intervention 政府开支╱干预 collocationsat politics 2 [uncountable ] a particular system or method of controlling a country 政体;国家体制 coalition/communist/democratic/totalitarian, etc.government 联合、共产主义、民主、极权主义等政体 Democratic government has now replaced military rule. 民主政体现已取代军事统治。 central/federal government 中央╱联邦政府 3 [uncountable ] the activity or the manner of controlling a country (一国的)统治,治理,统治方式,管理方法 strong government 强有力的统治 The Democrats are now in governmentin the US. 美国目前是民主党人执政。 see also big government government governments gov·ern·ment / ˈɡʌvənmənt ; NAmE ˈɡʌvərnmənt /
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