- To govern is to rule, lead, oversee, or otherwise control. Each U.S. state has its own governor, whose job it is to govern the affairs of that state.
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- v. 支配;统治
1. Who govern this country?
2. He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern.
3. Prices are governed by market demand.
4. All his decisions have been entirely governed by self-interest.
- govern (v.) late 13c., "to rule with authority," from Old French governer "steer, be at the helm of; govern, rule, command, direct" (11c., Modern French gouverner), from Latin gubernare "to direct, rule, guide, govern" (source also of Spanish gobernar, Italian governare), originally "to steer, to pilot," a nautical borrowing from Greek kybernan "to steer or pilot a ship, direct as a pilot," figuratively "to guide, govern" (the root of cybernetics). The -k- to -g- sound shift is perhaps via the medium of Etruscan. Intransitive sense from 1590s. Related: Governed; governing.
gov·ern ★ / ˈɡʌvn ; NAmE ˈɡʌvərn / verb 1 ★ [transitive , intransitive ] govern(sth) to legally control a country or its people and be responsible for introducing new laws, organizing public services, etc. 统治;控制;管理;治理 ◆ The country is governed by elected representatives of the people. 这个国家由民选代表统治。 ◆ He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern. 他指责反对党无力治理国事。 2 [transitive , often passive ] governsth to control or influence sb/sth or how sth happens, functions, etc. 控制;影响;支配 ◆ Prices are governed by market demand. 价格的高低取决于市场的需求。 ◆ All his decisions have been entirely governed by self-interest. 他的所有决定都受利己之心的支配。 ◆ We need changes in the law governing school attendance. 我们需要对影响就学率的法规做些改动。 3 [transitive ] governsth ( grammar 语法 ) if a word governsanother word or phrase, it affects how that word or phrase is formed or used 支配(词或短语的形式或用法) govern governs governed governing gov·ern / ˈɡʌvn ; NAmE ˈɡʌvərn /
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