gallop 英 [ˈgæləp]   美 [ˈɡæləp]


gallop  英 [ˈgæləp] 美 [ˈɡæləp]

n. 疾驰;飞奔  vi. 飞驰;急速进行;急急忙忙地说  vt. 使飞跑;迅速运输 

进行时:galloping  过去式:galloped  过去分词:galloped  第三人称单数:gallops  名词复数:gallops 

We'll see,' was her reply, and she set off at a gallop, leaving me to toil in the rear. “我们走着瞧吧,”这是她的回答,她就骑马疾驰而去,丢下我在后面辛辛苦苦地赶着。
If there is an image of mine that captures the wide-open West that has so enraptured me, it is this one of a West Texas cowboy at full gallop. 如果这真是我夺取了完全开放的西部,我就会高兴得眉飞色舞。 图上是一个疾驰在西部得克萨斯州草原上的牛仔。

  • A gallop is a horse's fastest gait, a full-on run. A loud noise might cause a trotting horse to panic and break into a gallop.
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  • n. 疾驰;飞奔
  • vi. 飞驰;急速进行;急急忙忙地说
  • vt. 使飞跑;迅速运输
  • 1. We'll see,' was her reply, and she set off at a gallop, leaving me to toil in the rear.


  • 2. If there is an image of mine that captures the wide-open West that has so enraptured me, it is this one of a West Texas cowboy at full gallop.

    如果这真是我夺取了完全开放的西部,我就会高兴得眉飞色舞。 图上是一个疾驰在西部得克萨斯州草原上的牛仔。

  • 3. Once, when I was a mere lad, and had never ridden a horse before, he made me mount one and gallop by his side, with no qualms about his unskilled companion.


  • gallop (n.) "a leaping gait," the most rapid movement of a horse, 1520s, from gallop (v.).
  • gallop (v.) "move or run by leaps," early 15c., from Old French galoper "to gallop" (12c.), central Old French form of Old North French waloper, probably from Frankish *wala hlaupan "to run well" (see wallop). Related: Galloped; galloping. Though the French word is Germanic, Dutch galopperen, German galoppiren, Swedish galoppera are from French.
gal·lop / ˈɡæləp ; NAmE ˈɡæləp / verb , noun gallop gallops gallopped galloped gallopping galloping verb 1 [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) when a horse or similar animal gallops,it moves very fast and each strideincludes a stage when all four feet are off the ground together (马等)飞奔,奔驰,疾驰 compare canter 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to ride a horse very fast, usually at a gallop 骑马奔驰;使(马)飞奔 (+ adv./prep.) Jo galloped across the field towards him. 乔骑马穿过田野向他奔去。 gallopsth (+ adv./prep.) He galloped his horse home. 他骑着马飞奔回家。 compare canter 3 [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) ( informal) (of a person ) to run very quickly 飞跑;奔跑 SYN charge She came galloping down the street. 她沿街飞奔而来。 noun 1 [singular ] the fastest speed at which a horse can run, with a stage in which all four feet are off the ground together (马的)飞奔,奔驰,疾驰 He rode off at a gallop. 他骑马疾驰而去。 My horse suddenly broke into a gallop. 我的马突然飞奔起来。 2 [countable ] a ride on a horse at its fastest speed 骑马奔驰 to go for a gallop 去骑马奔驰一番 3 [singular ] an unusually fast speed 飞快;高速度 gal·lop / ˈɡæləp ; NAmE ˈɡæləp /
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