- Your foot is like your leg's hand, and a foot is twelve inches. When you walk, you go by foot.
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- n. 脚;英尺;
1. My feet are aching.
2. Can you balance on one foot?
3. We came on foot (= we walked).
4. a foot passenger (= one who travels on a ferrywithout a car)
5. a 6-foot high wall
*6 英尺高的墙
6. We're flying at 35 000 feet.
我们在 35 000 英尺高空飞行。
- foot (n.) "terminal part of the leg of a vertebrate animal," Old English fot "foot," from Proto-Germanic *fot (source also of Old Frisian fot, Old Saxon fot, Old Norse fotr, Danish fod, Swedish fot, Dutch voet, Old High German fuoz, German Fuß, Gothic fotus "foot"), from PIE root *ped- "foot." Plural form feet is an instance of i-mutation.
- foot (v.) c. 1400, "to dance," also "to move or travel on foot," from foot (n.). From mid-15c. as "make a footing or foundation." To foot a bill "pay the entirety of" is attested from 1848, from the process of tallying the expenses and writing the figure at the bottom ("foot") of the sheet; foot (v.) as "add up and set the sum at the foot of" is from late 15c. (compare footnote (n.)). The Old English verb gefotian meant "to hasten up." Related: Footed; footing.
foot ★ / fʊt ; NAmE fʊt / noun , verb foot foots footed footing noun ★ ( plural feet / fiːt ; NAmE fiːt / ) part of body 身体部位 1 ★ [countable ] the lowest part of the leg, below the ankle, on which a person or an animal stands (人或动物的)脚,足 ◆ My feet are aching. 我的脚疼。 ◆ to get/rise to your feet (= stand up) 起立 ◆ I've been on my feet (= standing or walking around)all day. 我一整天没歇脚。 ◆ We came on foot (= we walked). 我们是走来的。 ◆ walking around the house in bare feet (= not wearing shoes or socks) 赤脚在房子四处走来走去 ◆ Please wipe your feet (= your shoes)on the mat. 请在垫子上蹭一蹭脚。 ◆ a foot pump (= operated using your foot, not your hand) 脚踏泵 ◆ a foot passenger (= one who travels on a ferrywithout a car) 步行旅客(无车上渡船者) ☞synonyms at stand ☞ collocationsat physical ☞see also athlete's foot , barefoot , club foot , underfoot -footed …脚 2 ( in adjectives and adverbs 构成形容词和副词 ) having or using the type or number of foot/feet mentioned 有…脚(或足的);有…只脚(的);用…脚(或足的) ◆ bare-footed 赤脚 ◆ four-footed 四足的 ◆ a left-footed shot into the corner 踢入球门死角的左脚一记抽射 ☞see also flat-footed , sure-footed part of sock 袜子部份 3 [countable , usually singular ] the part of a sock, stocking,etc. that covers the foot (袜子的)足部 base/bottom 基础;底部 4 ★ [singular ] the footof sth the lowest part of sth; the base or bottom of sth 最下部;基础;底部 ◆ the foot of the stairs/page/mountain 楼梯底部;页末;山脚 ◆ The nurse hung a chart at the foot of the bed (= the part of the bed where your feet normally are when you are lying in it). 护士在床脚上挂了一张表。 ☞synonyms at bottom measurement 计量 5 ★ ( plural feet or foot ) ( abbr.ft ) a unit for measuring length equal to 12 inches or 30.48 centimetres 英尺(= 12 英寸或 30.48 厘米) ◆ a 6-foot high wall *6 英尺高的墙 ◆ We're flying at 35 000 feet. 我们在 35 000 英尺高空飞行。 ◆ ‘How tall are you?’ ‘Five foot nine’ (= five feet and nine inches). “你多高?”“五英尺九英寸。” -footer …英尺高(或长)者 6 ( in compound nouns 构成复合名词 ) a person or thing that is a particular number of feet tall or long …英尺高的人(或东西);…英尺长的东西 ◆ His boat is an eighteen-footer. 他的小船长十八英尺。 in poetry 诗歌 7 [singular ] ( technical 术语 ) a unit of rhythm in a line of poetry containing one stressed syllable and one or more syllables without stress. Each of the four divisions in the following line is a foot. 音步(诗行中的节奏单位,每个音步中有一个重读音节) ◆ For ˈmen / may ˈcome / and ˈmen / may ˈgo. (此诗行四个部份有四个音步) IDIOMS be rushed/run off your ˈfeet to be extremely busy; to have too many things to do 忙得不可开交;要做太多的事 fall/land on your ˈfeet to be lucky in finding yourself in a good situation, or in getting out of a difficult situation 特别走运;安然脱离困境;幸免于难 feet ˈfirst 1 with your feet touching the ground before any other part of your body 脚先着地 ◆ He landed feet first. 他落地时双脚先着地。 2 ( humorous) if you leave a place feet first,you are carried out after you are dead 伸腿离开某地(指死去) ◆ You'll have to carry me out feet first! 想把我撵走,除非让我横着出去! get/have a/your ˌfoot in the ˈdoor to manage to enter an organization, a field of business, etc. that could bring you success 设法加入,涉足(某组织、行业等) ◆ I always wanted to work in TV but it took me two years to get a foot in the door. 我一直想做电视工作,但花了两年才进了这个圈子。 get/start off on the right/wrong ˈfoot (with sb) ( informal) to start a relationship well/badly 开始时关系良好╱不好 ◆ I seem to have got off on the wrong foot with the new boss. 看来我和新老板的关系一开头就不好。 get your ˈfeet wet ( especially NAmE) ( informal) to start doing sth that is new for you 初次涉足;开始做(新鲜的事情) ◆ At that time he was a young actor, just getting his feet wet. 那时他还是个年轻演员,才初出茅庐。 have feet of ˈclay to have a fault or weakness in your character 品格上有缺陷(或弱点) have/keep your ˈfeet on the ground to have a sensible and realistic attitude to life 实事求是;脚踏实地 have/keep a foot in both ˈcamps to be involved in or connected with two different or opposing groups 脚踩两只船 have ˌone foot in the ˈgrave ( informal) to be so old or ill/sick that you are not likely to live much longer 行将就木;命不久矣;大去之期不远 …my ˈfoot! ( informal, humorous) a strong way of saying that you disagree completely with what has just been said (完全不同意对方所说)胡说八道 ◆ ‘Ian can't come because he's tired.’ ‘Tired my foot! Lazy more like!’ “伊恩不能来,因为他累了。”“累个屁!说懒还差不多!” on your ˈfeet completely well or in a normal state again after an illness or a time of trouble (困境后)恢复,完全复原;(病后)痊愈 ◆ Sue's back on her feet again after her operation. 苏手术后又恢复健康了。 ◆ The new chairman hopes to get the company back on its feet within six months. 新董事长希望在六个月以内使公司恢复元气。 ☞note at stand put your best foot ˈforward to make a great effort to do sth, especially if it is difficult or you are feeling tired 竭尽全力;全力以赴 put your ˈfeet up to sit down and relax, especially with your feet raised and supported (尤指搁起双腿)坐下休息 ◆ After a hard day's work, it's nice to get home and put your feet up. 辛劳一天后回家搁起双腿休息是很惬意的。 put your ˈfoot down 1 to be very strict in opposing what sb wishes to do 坚决制止;执意反对 ◆ You've got to put your foot down and make him stop seeing her. 你得坚决制止他再见她。 2 ( BrE) to drive faster 踩油门;加速行驶 ◆ She put her foot down and roared past them. 她猛踩油门,从他们旁边呼啸而过。 put your ˈfoot in it ( BrE) ( also put your foot in your ˈmouth NAmE, BrE ) to say or do sth that upsets, offends or embarrasses sb (在语言或行为上)使人不安,冒犯别人,使人尴尬 ◆ I really put my foot in it with Ella—I didn't know she'd split up with Tom. 我真的冒犯了埃拉,我不知道她和汤姆分手了。 put a foot ˈwrong ( usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句 ) to make a mistake 犯错误;做错事 ◆ In the last two games he has hardly put a foot wrong. 他在上两局比赛中几乎一点错都没有出。 set ˈfoot in/on sth to enter or visit a place 进入,访问,参观(某地) ◆ the first man to set foot on the moon 第一个登上月球的人 ◆ I vowed never to set foot in the place again. 我发誓再不去那个地方了。 set sb/sth on their/its ˈfeet to make sb/sth independent or successful 使独立;使成功 ◆ His business sense helped set the club on its feet again. 他的经营意识使俱乐部又重振雄风。 stand on your own (two) ˈfeet to be independent and able to take care of yourself 自立;独立 ◆ When his parents died he had to learn to stand on his own two feet. 他的父母去世后他不得不学会自立。 under your ˈfeet in the way; stopping you from working, etc. 阻碍,妨碍(工作等);碍手碍脚 ◆ I don't want you kids under my feet while I'm cooking. 我做饭时不希望你们这些孩子在我这儿碍手碍脚的。 ☞more at boot n. , cold adj. , drag v. , find v. , grass n. , ground n. , hand n. , head n. , itchy , left adj. , patter n. , pull v. , shoe n. , shoot v. , sit , stocking , sweep v. , think v. , vote v. , wait v. , walk v. , weight n. , world verb IDIOM foot the ˈbill ( informal) to be responsible for paying the cost of sth 负担费用 ◆ Once again it will be the taxpayer who has to foot the bill. 这一次掏腰包的又得是纳税人。 foot / fʊt ; NAmE fʊt / feet / fiːt ; NAmE fiːt /
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