fold 英 [fəʊld]   美 [foʊld]


fold  英 [fəʊld] 美 [foʊld]

v. 折叠;  n. 折痕; 

进行时:folding  过去式:folded  过去分词:folded  第三人称单数:folds  名词复数:folds 

The blankets had been folded up. 毛毯已折叠起来。
a pile of neatly folded clothes 一摞折叠整齐的衣服

  • To fold is to crease or bend something over so it covers part of itself. Before you put your clean sheets and towels away in the closet, you should probably fold them.
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  • v. 折叠;
  • n. 折痕;
  • 1. The blankets had been folded up.


  • 2. a pile of neatly folded clothes


  • 3. The table folds up when not in use.


  • 4. He folded the map up and put it in his pocket.


  • 5. the folds of her dress


  • fold (n.1) "pen or enclosure for sheep or other domestic animals," Old English falæd, falud "stall, stable, cattle-pen," a general Germanic word (cognates: East Frisian folt "enclosure, dunghill," Dutch vaalt "dunghill," Danish fold "pen for sheep"), of uncertain origin. Figurative use by mid-14c.
  • fold (n.2) "a bend or ply in anything," mid-13c., from fold (v.). Compare similarly formed Middle Dutch voude, Dutch vouw, Old High German falt, German Falte, Old Norse faldr.
  • fold (v.) Old English faldan (Mercian), fealdan (West Saxon), transitive, "to bend (cloth) back over itself, wrap up, furl," class VII strong verb (past tense feold, past participle fealden), from Proto-Germanic *falthan, *faldan (source also of Middle Dutch vouden, Dutch vouwen, Old Norse falda, Middle Low German volden, Old High German faldan, German falten, Gothic falþan), from PIE *pol-to-, suffixed form of root *pel- (2) "to fold."
fold / fəʊld ; NAmE foʊld / verb , noun fold folds folded folding verb 1 [transitive ] to bend sth, especially paper or cloth, so that one part lies on top of another part 折叠,对折(纸、织物等) foldsth (up) He folded the map up and put it in his pocket. 他把地图折叠起来,放进了口袋。 First, foldthe paper in half/in two. 首先,把纸对折起来。 foldsth (back, down, over, etc.) The blankets had been folded down. 毛毯已折叠起来。 a pile of neatly folded clothes 一摞折叠整齐的衣服 The bird folded its wings. 那只鸟收起了翅膀。 OPP unfold see also fold-up 2 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to bend sth so that it becomes smaller or flatter and can be stored or carried more easily; to bend or be able to bend in this way 折小,叠平,可折小,可叠平(以便贮存或携带) foldsth (away/down/up) The bed can be folded away during the day. 这张床在白天可以折叠收起。 fold(away/up) The table folds up when not in use. 这桌子不用时可以折叠起来。 ( figurative) When she heard the news, her legs just folded under her (= she fell). 她听到这消息时双腿发软(倒在地上)。 + adj. The ironing board folds flat for easy storage. 烫衣板能够折起来,便于存放。 3 [transitive ] to wrap sth around sb/sth 包;裹 foldA in B She gently folded the baby in a blanket. 她轻轻地把婴儿裹在毯子里。 foldB round/over A She folded a blanket around the baby. 她用毯子把婴儿裹了起来。 4 [intransitive ] (of a company, a play, etc. 公司、戏剧等 ) to close because it is not successful 倒闭;停演;结束 IDIOMS fold sb in your ˈarms ( literary) to put your arms around sb and hold them against your body 拥抱;搂住 fold your ˈarms to put one of your arms over the other one and hold them against your body 双臂交叉在胸前 fold your ˈhands to bring or hold your hands together 十指交叉合拢交叠 She kept her hands folded in her lap. 她双手合拢,放在腿上。 PHRASAL VERB ˌfold sth↔ˈin | ˌfold sth ˈinto sth (in cooking 烹饪 ) to add one substance to another and gently mix them together 把…调入;拌入 Fold in the beaten egg whites. 调入打好的蛋白。 noun 1 [countable ] a part of sth, especially cloth, that is folded or hangs as if it had been folded 褶;褶层;折叠部份 the folds of her dress 她的连衣裙上的褶 loose folds of skin 皮肤松垮的褶皱 2 [countable ] a mark or line made by folding sth, or showing where sth should be folded 褶痕;褶缝;褶线 3 [countable ] an area in a field surrounded by a fence or wall where sheep are kept for safety 羊栏;羊圈 4 the fold [singular ] a group of people with whom you feel you belong or who share the same ideas or beliefs 志趣相同的人们;同一信仰的人们 He called on former Republican voters to return to the fold. 他号召昔日拥护共和党的选民重新回到支持共和党的行列。 5 [countable ] ( geology ) a curve or bend in the line of the layers of rock in the earth's crust (地壳岩石层的)褶皱 6 [countable ] ( BrE) a hollow place among hills or mountains 山坳;山洼;山谷 IDIOM aˌbove/beˌlow the ˈfold in/not in a position where you see it first, for example in the top/bottom part of a newspaper page or web page (报纸或网页)最上/下面部份,最显眼/不显眼部份 Your ad will be placed above the fold for prominent exposure. 你们的广告将放在页面上端的醒目位置。 compare above-the-fold , below-the-fold fold / fəʊld ; NAmE foʊld /
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