floor 英 [flɔ:(r)]   美 [flɔr, flor]


floor  英 [flɔ:(r)] 美 [flɔr, flor]

n. 地板;楼层; 

进行时:flooring  过去式:floored  过去分词:floored  第三人称单数:floors  名词复数:floors 

a wooden/concrete/marble, etc. floor 木质、水泥、大理石等地板
The body was lying on the kitchen floor. 尸体躺在厨房的地上。

  • A floor is the surface at the very bottom, or base, of a room. When you lie on your back on the floor, you are looking up at the ceiling.
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  • n. 地板;楼层;
  • 1. a wooden/concrete/marble, etc. floor


  • 2. The body was lying on the kitchen floor.


  • 3. Her office is on the second floor.


  • 4. There is a lift to all floors.


  • 5. on the floor of the Stock Exchange


  • 6. Prices have gone through the floor (= fallen to a very low level).


  • floor (n.) Old English flor "floor, pavement, ground, bottom (of a lake, etc.)," from Proto-Germanic *floruz "floor" (source also of Middle Dutch and Dutch vloer, Old Norse flor "floor," Middle High German vluor "floor, flooring," German Flur "field, meadow"), from PIE *plaros "flat surface" (source also of Welsh llawr "ground"), enlarged from root *pele- (2) "flat; to spread."
  • floor (v.) early 15c., "to furnish with a floor," from floor (n.). Sense of "puzzle, confound" is from 1830, a figurative use, from earlier sense of "knock down to the floor" (1640s). In mid-19c. English university slang, it meant "do thoroughly and successfully" (1852). Related: Floored; flooring.
floor / flɔː(r) ; NAmE flɔːr / noun , verb floor floors floored flooring noun of room 房间 1 [countable ,  usually singular ] the surface of a room that you walk on 地板;地面 a wooden/concrete/marble, etc. floor 木质、水泥、大理石等地板 ceramic floor tiles 陶瓷地板砖 The body was lying on the kitchen floor. 尸体躺在厨房的地上。 The alterations should give us extra floor space. 这些改动应该使我们有更大的居住面积。 of vehicle 车辆 2 ( NAmE also floor·board ) [countable ,  usually singular ] the bottom surface of a vehicle (车厢内的)底板 The floor of the car was covered in cigarette ends. 小轿车内底板上满是烟蒂。 level of building 楼层 3 [countable ] all the rooms that are on the same level of a building 楼层 Her office is on the second floor. 她的办公室在第二层。 the Irish guy who lives two floors above 住在两层楼上面的爱尔兰人 There is a lift to all floors. 有电梯通往各层楼。 Their house is on three floors (= it has three floors). 他们的房子有三层。 note at storey see also ground floor of the sea/forests 海;森林 4 [countable ,  usually singular ] the ground at the bottom of the sea, a forest, etc. (海等的)底;(森林等的)地面 the ocean/valley/cave/forest floor 海底;谷底;洞底;森林的地面 in parliament, etc. 议会等 5 the floor [singular ] the part of a building where discussions or debates are held, especially in a parliament; the people who attend a discussion or debate 议员席;全体议员;全体与会者 Opposition politicians registered their protest on the floor of the House. 反对党从政者在议院的议员席提出了抗议。 We will now take any questions from the floor. 现在我们将接受会众席上的任何提问。 area for work 工作区 6 [countable ,  usually singular ] an area in a building that is used for a particular activity (建筑物内的)场地 on the floor of the Stock Exchange (= where trading takes place) 在证券交易所的交易厅 see also dance floor , factory floor , shop floor  (1 ) for wages/prices 工资;物价 7 [countable ,  usually singular ] the lowest level allowed for wages or prices (工资或物价的)最低额,底价 Prices have gone through the floor (= fallen to a very low level). 物价已经探底。 compare ceiling  (2 ) IDIOMS get/be given/have the ˈfloor to get/be given/have the right to speak during a discussion or debate (讨论或辩论中)取得发言权 ˌhold the ˈfloor to speak during a discussion or debate, especially for a long time so that nobody else is able to say anything 发言;长篇大论地发言(尤指使他人无法发言) ˌtake (to) the ˈfloor to start dancing on a dance floor (在舞池)开始跳舞 Couples took the floor for the last dance of the evening. 双双对对开始跳晚会的最后一轮舞。 wipe/mop the ˈfloor with sb ( informal) to defeat sb completely in an argument or a competition (在辩论或竞赛中)彻底打败对手,把对手打得一败涂地 more at ground floor verb surprise/confuse 惊奇;困惑 1 floorsb to surprise or confuse sb so that they are not sure what to say or do 使惊奇;使困惑 hit 击中 2 [usually passive ] floorsb to make sb fall down by hitting them, especially in a sport (尤指体育运动中)击倒,打倒 building/room 建筑物;房间 3 [usually passive ] floorsth to provide a building or room with a floor 给…安装地板;给…铺设地面 driving 驾驶 4 ~ the accelerator to press the acceleratorpedal of a car hard 把(汽车的油门踏板)踩到底 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 floor ground land earth These are all words for the surface that you walk on. 以上各词均指地面。 floor the surface of a room that you walk on 指室内地板、地面: She was sitting on the floor watching TV. 她坐在地板上看电视。 ground (often the ground) the solid surface of the earth that you walk on (常作 the ground)指室外地、地面: I found her lying on the ground. 我发现她躺在地上。 The rocket crashed a few seconds after it left the ground. 火箭离开地面几秒钟便坠毁了。 land the surface of the earth that is not sea 指陆地、大地: It was good to be back on dry landagain. 回到陆地上真好。 They fought both at sea and on land. 他们在海上和陆上都打过仗。 earth (often the earth) the solid surface of the world that is made of rock, soil, sand, etc (常作 the earth)指大地、陆地、地面: You could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer. 卡车开近时可感觉到地面在震动。 ground, land or earth? 用 ground、land 还是 earth? Groundis the normal word for the solid surface that you walk on when you are not in a building or vehicle. You can use earthif you want to draw attention to the rock, soil etc. that the ground is made of. Landis only used when you want to contrast it with the sea. *ground 常指楼房或车辆外的地面。如果关注的是构成大地的岩石、土壤等可用 earth。land 只在与海相对照时使用: the land beneath our feet feel the land shake sight ground/earth travel by ground/earth PATTERNS on / on the floor/ground/earth barefloor/ground/earth to drop / drop the floor/the ground/(the) earth to reachthe floor/the ground/land BRITISH/AMERICAN 英式/美式英语 floor In BrEthe floor of a building at street level is the ground floor,the one above it is the first floorand the one below it is the basement,or lower ground floorin a public building. 在英式英语中,地面的楼层叫 ground floor,上面一层叫 first floor,下面一层叫 basement 或在公共建筑中叫 lower ground floor。 In NAmEthe floor at street level is usually called the first floor,the one above it is the second floorand the one below it is the basement.In public buildings the floor at street level can also be called the ground floor. 在美式英语中,地面的一层通常叫 first floor,上面一层叫 second floor,下面一层叫 basement。在公共建筑中,地面的一层亦可称为 ground floor。 ➱ note at storey floor / flɔː(r) ; NAmE flɔːr /
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