float 英 [fləʊt]   美 [floʊt]


float  英 [fləʊt] 美 [floʊt]

v. 使漂浮;浮动 

进行时:floating  过去式:floated  过去分词:floated  第三人称单数:floats  名词复数:floats 

A group of swans floated by. 一群天鹅缓缓游过。
An idea suddenly floated into my mind. 我脑海里突然浮现出一个想法。

  • Float is what you do when you're lying on the water. Hopefully you know how to swim, so you can float suspended on the surface of the water, rather than sinking straight to the bottom.
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  • v. 使漂浮;浮动
  • 1. A group of swans floated by.


  • 2. An idea suddenly floated into my mind.


  • 3. Wood floats.


  • 4. A plastic bag was floating in the water.


  • 5. There wasn't enough water to float the ship.


  • 6. They float the logs down the river to the towns.


  • 7. She floated down the steps to greet us.


  • float (n.) apparently an early Middle English merger of three related Old English nouns, flota "boat, fleet," flote "troop, flock," flot "body of water, sea;" all from the source of float (v.). The early senses were the now-mostly-obsolete ones of the Old English words: "state of floating" (early 12c.), "swimming" (mid-13c.); "a fleet of ships; a company or troop" (c. 1300); "a stream, river" (early 14c.). From c. 1300 as an attachment for buoyancy on a fishing line or net; early 14c. as "raft." Meaning "platform on wheels used for displays in parades, etc." is from 1888, probably from earlier sense of "flat-bottomed boat" (1550s). As a type of fountain drink, by 1915.
  • float (v.) late Old English flotian "to rest on the surface of water" (intransitive; class II strong verb; past tense fleat, past participle floten), from Proto-Germanic *flotan "to float" (source also of Old Norse flota, Middle Dutch vloten, Old High German flozzan, German flössen), from PIE *plud-, extended form of root *pleu- "to flow."
float / fləʊt ; NAmE floʊt / verb , noun float floats floated floating verb on water/in air 水上;空中 1 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to move slowly on water or in the air 浮动;漂流;飘动;飘移 SYN drift A group of swans floated by. 一群天鹅缓缓游过。 The smell of new bread floated up from the kitchen. 厨房里飘出新鲜面包的香味。 Beautiful music came floating out of the window. 美妙的乐声从窗口传出。 ( figurative) An idea suddenly floated into my mind. 我脑海里突然浮现出一个想法。 ( figurative) People seem to float in and out of my life. 不同的人在我的生命中出现和消失。 2 [intransitive ] to stay on or near the surface of a liquid and not sink 浮;漂浮 Wood floats. 木头能浮起来。 floatin/on sth A plastic bag was floating in the water. 一个塑料袋在水中漂浮。 Can you float on your back? 你能仰浮吗? 3 [transitive ] to make sth move on or near the surface of a liquid 使浮动;使漂流 floatsth There wasn't enough water to float the ship. 水不够深,船浮动不起来。 floatsth + adv./prep. They float the logs down the river to the towns. 他们把原木沿河漂流至城镇。 walk lightly 飘然走动 4 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. ( literary) to walk or move in a smooth and easy way 轻盈走动;飘然移动 SYN glide She floated down the steps to greet us. 她轻盈地下楼来迎接我们。 suggest idea 提出想法 5 [transitive ] floatsth to suggest an idea or a plan for other people to consider 提出,提请考虑(想法或计划) They floated the idea of increased taxes on alcohol. 他们建议提高酒税。 business/economics 商业;经济学 6 [transitive ] floatsth ( business ) to sell shares in a company or business to the public for the first time (公司或企业)发行(股票)上市 The company was floated on the stock market in 2007. 这家公司于 2007 年上市。 Shares were floated at 585p. 股票最初上市价为 5 英镑 85 便士。 7 [transitive ,  intransitive ] float(sth) ( economics ) if a government floatsits country's money or allows it to float,it allows its value to change freely according to the value of the money of other countries (使货币汇率)自由浮动 IDIOM float sb's ˈboat ( informal) to be what sb likes 为某人所喜欢 You can listen to whatever kind of music floats your boat. 无论你喜欢哪种音乐,你都可以听。 more at air n. PHRASAL VERB ˌfloat aˈbout/aˈround ( usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时 ) if an idea, etc. is floating around,it is talked about by a number of people or passed from one person to another (思想等)传播,流传 noun vehicle 车辆 1 a large vehicle on which people dressed in special costumesare carried in a festival 彩车 a carnival float 狂欢节彩车 in fishing 钓鱼 2 a small light object attached to a fishing linethat stays on the surface of the water and moves when a fish has been caught 鱼漂;浮子 for swimming 游泳 3 a light object that floats in the water and is held by a person who is learning to swim to stop them from sinking (学游泳用的)浮板 drink 饮料 4 ( NAmE) a drink with ice cream floating in it 加冰淇淋的饮料 a Coke float 一杯加冰淇淋的可口可乐 money 5 ( especially BrE) a sum of money consisting of coins and notes of low value that is given to sb before they start selling things so that they can give customers change (商店的)备用零钱 business 商业 6 = flotation  (1 ) float / fləʊt ; NAmE floʊt /
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