flipper 英 [ˈflɪpə(r)]   美 [ˈflɪpɚ]


flipper  英 [ˈflɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈflɪpɚ]

n. 鳍状肢;鳍;烤饼;胖听罐头  vi. 靠鳍足(或鸭甲板)行动  adj. 无礼的 


Not only that, but when a wave threatened to return the seal to danger, the humpback used its massive flipper (at five metres, the longest in the animal kingdom) to nudge it back on. 不仅如此,当一个浪头即将把海豹扫回险境之时,座头鲸还利用它的巨大的鳍状肢(五米长,动物王国中最长的)把它轻轻地推了回来。
When this inland sea retreated, Hamilton hypothesizes, the Amazon dolphins remained in the river basin, evolving into striking creatures that bear little resemblance to our beloved flipper. 哈密尔顿推测,当这片内陆海退去,亚马逊河豚却留了下来,逐渐进化为一种恐怖动物,与我们钟爱的鳍状肢动物,外貌上已大相径庭了。

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  • n. 鳍状肢;鳍;烤饼;胖听罐头
  • vi. 靠鳍足(或鸭甲板)行动
  • adj. 无礼的
  • 1. Not only that, but when a wave threatened to return the seal to danger, the humpback used its massive flipper (at five metres, the longest in the animal kingdom) to nudge it back on.


  • 2. When this inland sea retreated, Hamilton hypothesizes, the Amazon dolphins remained in the river basin, evolving into striking creatures that bear little resemblance to our beloved flipper.


  • 3. Before being fitted with her artificial fin, which her handlers refer to as her "ninja suit, " Allison the green sea turtle could only swim around in tight circles because she only had one flipper.


  • flipper (n.) limb used to swim with, 1822, agent noun from flip (v.). Sense of "rubber fin for underwater swimming" is from 1945. Slang meaning "the hand" dates from 1836. Related: Flippers.
flip·per / ˈflɪpə(r) ; NAmE ˈflɪpər / noun [usually plural ] 1 a flat part of the body of some sea animals such as sealsand turtles,used for swimming (海豹、海龟等的)鳍肢,鳍足 2 a long flat piece of rubber or plastic that you wear on your foot to help you swim more quickly, especially below the surface of the water (潜水、游泳用的)脚蹼,蛙鞋,鸭脚板,橡皮脚掌 flipper flippers flip·per / ˈflɪpə(r) ; NAmE ˈflɪpər /
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