flippant 英 [ˈflɪpənt]   美 [ˈflɪpənt]


flippant  英 [ˈflɪpənt] 美 [ˈflɪpənt]

adj. 轻率的;嘴碎的;没礼貌的 

Your tween is talking back in a flippant, disrespectful manner. While tween back-talk and sass are on the rise, allowing it is a huge mistake. 当你的孩子以轻率、无礼的方式顶嘴时,当你的孩子爱顶嘴和爱说狂妄的话的问题日趋严重,你必须承认那是个错误。
Conversely, don’t be flippant when some one praises you or gives you a compliment. Instead of saying it’s nothing, just say “thank you”. 反过来,当有人表扬你或者给你一个赞美时不要太无所谓.不要说没有什么,应该说"谢谢"

  • When a parent scolds a teenager for missing a curfew or blowing off a test and the teen snaps back, "Whatever," you could say the teen is being flippant. His reply was casual to the point of sarcasm and disrespect.
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  • adj. 轻率的;嘴碎的;没礼貌的
  • 1. Your tween is talking back in a flippant, disrespectful manner. While tween back-talk and sass are on the rise, allowing it is a huge mistake.


  • 2. Conversely, don’t be flippant when some one praises you or gives you a compliment. Instead of saying it’s nothing, just say “thank you”.


  • flippant (adj.) c. 1600, "talkative, nimble in talk;" 1670s, "displaying unbecoming levity," apparently an extended form of flip (v.). The ending is perhaps modeled on other adjectives in -ant or a relic of the Middle English present participle ending -inde. Shortened form flip is attested from 1847. Related: Flippantly.
flip·pant / ˈflɪpənt ; NAmE ˈflɪpənt / ( also informal flip ) adjective showing that you do not take sth as seriously as other people think you should 轻率的 a flippant answer/attitude 轻率的回答;轻浮的态度 Sorry, I didn't mean to sound flippant. 对不起,我并不是故意油嘴滑舌的。 flip·pancy / ˈflɪpənsi ; NAmE ˈflɪpənsi / noun [uncountable ] flip·pant·ly / ˈflɪpəntli ; NAmE ˈflɪpəntli / adverb flip·pant / ˈflɪpənt ; NAmE ˈflɪpənt / flip·pancy / ˈflɪpənsi ; NAmE ˈflɪpənsi / flip·pant·ly / ˈflɪpəntli ; NAmE ˈflɪpəntli /
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