favor 英 ['feɪvə]   美 ['fevɚ]


favor  英 ['feɪvə] 美 ['fevɚ]

vt. 优惠,偏袒;有利于;  n. 偏爱,有利 

进行时:favoring  过去式:favored  过去分词:favored  第三人称单数:favors  名词复数:favors 

Could you do me a favor and move the box for me? 你能帮我个忙 搬下这个盒子吗?
Can I ask a favor? 请帮个忙行吗?

  • A favor is an act of kindness, like doing your friend a favor by letting her borrow your calculator to take the big math test.
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  • vt. 优惠,偏袒;有利于;
  • n. 偏爱,有利
  • 1. Could you do me a favor and move the box for me?

    你能帮我个忙 搬下这个盒子吗?

  • 2. Can I ask a favor?


  • 3. I'll ask Steve to take it. He owes me a favor.


  • 4. Do yourself a favor and wear a helmet on the bike.


  • 5. The programme has lost favor with viewers recently.


  • 6. As an examiner, she showed no favor to any candidate.


  • 7. The treaty seems to favor the US.


  • favor (n.) c. 1300, "attractiveness, beauty, charm" (archaic), from Old French favor "a favor; approval, praise; applause; partiality" (13c., Modern French faveur), from Latin favorem (nominative favor) "good will, inclination, partiality, support," coined by Cicero from stem of favere "to show kindness to," from PIE *ghow-e- "to honor, revere, worship" (cognate: Old Norse ga "to heed").
  • favor (v.) mid-14c., "to regard with favor, indulge, treat with partiality," from Old French favorer, from favor "a favor, partiality" (see favor (n.)). Meaning "to resemble, look somewhat like" is from c. 1600. Related: Favored; favoring.
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