fasten 英 [ˈfɑ:sn]   美 [ˈfæsn]


fasten  英 [ˈfɑ:sn] 美 [ˈfæsn]

v. 系牢,扎牢,扣紧 

进行时:fastening  过去式:fastened  过去分词:fastened  第三人称单数:fastens  名词复数:fastens 

Fasten your seatbelts, please. 请系好安全带。
The dress fastens at the back. 这件连衣裙是在后背系扣的。

  • When you fasten something, you close or attach it. You might fasten your coat, closing each snap, when the sun goes down and the air gets chilly.
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  • v. 系牢,扎牢,扣紧
  • 1. Fasten your seatbelts, please.


  • 2. The dress fastens at the back.


  • 3. The window wouldn't fasten.


  • 4. He fastened back the shutters.


  • 5. He fastened the papers together with a paper clip.


  • 6. The dog fastened its teeth in his leg.


  • 7. He fastened his gaze on her face.


  • fasten (v.) Old English fæstnian "make fast, make firm, fix, secure," also "ratify, betroth, confirm," from Proto-Germanic *fastinon "to make firm or fast" (source also of Old Frisian festnia "to make firm, bind fast," Old Saxon fastnon, Old High German fastnion, German festnen, Old Norse fastna "to pledge, betroth"), from PIE *fast "solid, firm" (see fast (adj.)). Related: Fastened; fastening.
fas·ten / ˈfɑːsn ; NAmE ˈfæsn / verb 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to close or join together the two parts of sth; to become closed or joined together (使两部份)系牢,扎牢,结牢,扣紧 SYN do up fastensth Fasten your seatbelts, please. 请系好安全带。 fastensth up He fastened up his coat and hurried out. 他扣好大衣就匆匆出去了。 fasten(up) The dress fastens at the back. 这件连衣裙是在后背系扣的。 OPP unfasten 2 [transitive ,  intransitive ] fasten(sth) to close sth firmly so that it will not open; to be closed in this way (使)关紧,盖好 Fasten the gates securely so that they do not blow open. 把大门闩好以免被风吹开。 The window wouldn't fasten. 这扇窗子关不严。 OPP unfasten 3 [transitive ] fastensth + adv./prep. to fix or place sth in a particular position, so that it will not move 使牢固;使固定 He fastened back the shutters. 他把活动护窗拉开系紧。 4 [transitive ] fastenA to B | fastenA and B (together) to attach or tie one thing to another thing (使两物)系牢,扎牢,结牢,扣牢 He fastened the papers together with a paper clip. 他用回形针别好了文件。 5 [transitive ,  intransitive ] if you fastenyour arms around sb, your teeth into sth, etc, or if your arms, teeth, etc. fastenaround, into, etc. sb/sth, you hold the person/thing firmly with your arms, etc. 握住;抓牢;咬住 fastensth + adv./prep. The dog fastened its teeth in his leg. 狗死死咬着他的腿。 + adv./prep. His hand fastened on her arm. 他用手牢牢抓住她的胳膊。 6 [transitive ,  intransitive ] fasten(sth) (on sb/sth) if you fastenyour eyes on sb/sth or your eyes fastenon sb/sth, you look at them for a long time 盯住 He fastened his gaze on her face. 他盯着她的脸。 PHRASAL VERB ˈfasten on(to) sb/sth to choose or follow sb/sth in a determined way 抓住;对…锲而不舍;坚决跟随;纠缠 SYN latch on to sb/sth fasten fastens fastened fastening fas·ten / ˈfɑːsn ; NAmE ˈfæsn /
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