fast 英 [fɑ:st]   美 [fæst]


fast  英 [fɑ:st] 美 [fæst]

adj. 快速的,迅速的  adv. 迅速地; 

进行时:fasting  过去式:fasted  过去分词:fasted  第三人称单数:fasts  名词复数:fasts  比较级:faster  最高级:fastest 

Rabbit runs faster than tortoise. 兔子跑的乌龟快。
a fast learner 领悟快的学习者

  • When you see fast, you might think of Olympic runner Usain "Lightning" Bolt or a Porsche 911 Turbo. Alternatively, and quite confusingly, fast also means to refrain from eating for a certain period, usually for religious reasons.
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  • adj. 快速的,迅速的
  • adv. 迅速地;
  • 1. Rabbit runs faster than tortoise.


  • 2. a fast learner


  • 3. Don't drive so fast!


  • 4. my watch must be fast.


  • fast (adj.) Old English fæst "firmly fixed, steadfast, constant; secure; enclosed, watertight; strong, fortified," probably from Proto-Germanic *fastu- "firm, fast" (source also of Old Frisian fest, Old Norse fastr, Dutch vast, German fest), from PIE root *past- "firm, solid" (source of Sanskrit pastyam "dwelling place").
  • fast (adv.) Old English fæste "firmly, securely; strictly;" also, perhaps, "speedily," from Proto-Germanic *fasto (source also of Old Saxon fasto, Old Frisian feste, Dutch vast, Old High German fasto, German fast "almost," but in earlier use "firmly, immovably, strongly, very"), from *fastu- (adj.) "firm, fast" (see fast (adj.)).
  • fast (n.) "act of fasting," late Old English fæsten "voluntary abstinence from food and drink or from certain kinds of food," especially, but not necessarily, as a religious duty; either from the verb in Old English or from Old Norse fasta "a fast, fasting, season for fasting," from a Proto-Germanic noun formed from the verbal root of fast (v.). In earlier Old English fæsten meant "fortress, cloister, enclosure, prison."
  • fast (v.) "abstain from food," Old English fæstan "to fast" (as a religious duty), also "to make firm; establish, confirm, pledge," from Proto-Germanic *fastan "to hold fast, observe abstinence" (source also of Old Frisian festia, Old High German fasten, German fasten, Old Norse fasta "abstain from food"), from the same root as fast (adj.).
fast / fɑːst ; NAmE fæst / adjective , adverb , verb , noun fast fasts fasted fasting faster fastest adjective ( fast·er , fast·est ) quick 快速 1 moving or able to move quickly 快的;迅速的;敏捷的 a fast car/horse 速度快的汽车╱马 the world's fastest runner 世界最快的赛跑运动员 2 happening in a short time or without delay 迅速发生的;立即发生的 the fastest rate of increase for years 多年来最高的增长率 a fast response time 迅速的反应时间 3 able to do sth quickly 动作迅速的;头脑灵活的 a fast learner 领悟快的学习者 surface 物体表面 4 producing or allowing quick movement 可供快速运动的 a fast road/pitch 快车道;平整的球场 see also fast lane watch/clock 钟表 5 [not before noun ] showing a time later than the true time 走得快 I'm early—my watch must be fast. 我早了,我的表肯定快了。 That clock's ten minutes fast. 那座钟快十分钟。 photographic film 照相胶片 6 ( technical 术语 ) very sensitive to light, and therefore useful when taking photographs in poor light or of sth that is moving very quickly 感光快的 firmly fixed 牢牢固定 7 (of a boat, etc. 船等 ) firmly fixed and safe 系牢的;稳固的 He madethe boat fast. 他把船系牢了。 colours in clothes 衣服颜色 8 not likely to change or to come out when washed 不褪色的 HELP  There is no noun related to fast.Use speedin connection with vehicles, actions, etc; quicknessis used about thinking. *fast 没有派生的名词。关于交通工具、行动等的速度用 speed ;关于思维则用 quickness。 IDIOMS fast and ˈfurious (of films/movies, shows, etc. 电影、演出等 ) full of rapid action and sudden changes 情节节奏快且变化多端 In his latest movie, the action is fast and furious. 在他的最新电影中,情节起伏跌宕。 a fast ˈtalker a person who can talk very quickly and easily, but who cannot always be trusted 快嘴快舌但不可信赖的人 a fast ˈworker ( informal) a person who knows how to get what they want quickly, especially when beginning a sexual relationship with sb 善于迅速达到目的的人;(尤指恋爱方面)善于一下子获得青睐的人 more at buck n. , draw n. , hard adj. , pull v. adverb ( fast·er , fast·est ) quickly 快速 1 quickly 快;快速;迅速 Don't drive so fast! 别把车开得这么快! How fast were you going? 当时你们走得有多快? I can't go any faster. 我不能走得更快了。 The water was rising fast. 水迅猛上涨。 Her heart beat faster. 她的心跳加快。 ( formal) Night was fast approaching. 黑夜迅速降临。 a fast-flowing stream 湍急的溪流 note at quick 2 in a short time; without delay 不久;立即 Children grow up so fast these days. 如今孩子们长得真快。 Britain is fast becominga nation of fatties. 英国不久就要变成一个胖子国了。 The police said that they had reacted as fast as they could. 警方说他们已尽快作出了反应。 firmly 牢固 3 firmly; completely 牢固地;完全地 Within a few minutes she was fast asleep (= sleeping deeply). 几分钟后她就沉睡了。 The boat was stuck fast (= unable to move)in the mud. 船深陷在淤泥里动弹不得。 HELP  There is no noun related to fast.Use speedin connection with vehicles, actions, etc; quicknessis used about thinking. *fast 没有派生的名词。关于交通工具、行动等的速度用 speed ;关于思维则用 quickness。 IDIOMS as fast as your ˌlegs can ˈcarry you as quickly as you can 尽快 hold ˈfast to sth ( formal) to continue to believe in an idea, etc. despite difficulties 坚持(某种思想等) play fast and ˈloose (with sb/sth) ( old-fashioned) to treat sb/sth in a way that shows that you feel no responsibility or respect for them 反覆无常;若即若离;玩弄 stand ˈfast/ˈfirm to refuse to move back; to refuse to change your opinions 坚定不移;不让步;不改变主张 more at thick adv. verb [intransitive ] to eat little or no food for a period of time, especially for religious or health reasons 节食;禁食;斋戒 Muslims fast during Ramadan. 伊斯兰教徒在斋月期间斋戒。 noun a period during which you do not eat food, especially for religious or health reasons 禁食期;斋戒期 to go on a fast 开始禁食 to break (= end)your fast 开斋 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 fast / quick / rapid These adjectives are frequently used with the following nouns. 这些形容词常与下列名词连用: fast ~ quick ~ rapid ~ car glance change train look growth bowler reply increase pace decision decline lane way progress Fastis used especially to describe a person or thing that moves or is able to move at great speed. *fast 尤用以描述高速运动的人或事物。 Quickis more often used to describe something that is done in a short time or without delay. *quick 较常用以描述迅速或立即完成的事。 Rapid, swiftand speedyare more formal words. *rapid、swift 和 speedy 较正式。 Rapidis most commonly used to describe the speed at which something changes. It is not used to describe the speed at which something moves or is done. *rapid 最常用于描述事物变化的速度,而非运动或完成的速度: a rapid train We had a rapid coffee. Swiftusually describes something that happens or is done quickly and immediately. *swift 通常用以描述事物发生或完成的速度快而及时: a swift decision 迅即作出的决定 The government took swift action. 政府立即采取了行动。 Speedyhas a similar meaning. *speedy 具有相似的意义: a speedy recovery 迅速康复 It is used less often to talk about the speed at which something moves. 该词较少指事物运动速度快: a speedy car For the use of fastand quickas adverbs, see the usage note at quick. 关于 fast 和 quick 作副词的用法,见 quick 词条的用法说明。 fast / fɑːst ; NAmE fæst /
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