- The verb fail describes something that stops working, like brakes in a car that fail, or is found to be unacceptable, like restaurants that fail their inspection for cleanliness.
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- v. 失败,不及格
1. Many diets fail because they are boring.
2. I failed in my attempt to persuade her.
3. She failed to get into art college.
4. He failed to keep the appointment.
5. He failed his driving test.
6. Her eyesight is failing.
7. She tried to be brave, but her courage failed her.
8. The crops failed again last summer.
9. He emails every week without fail.
- fail (n.) late 13c., "failure, deficiency" (as in without fail), from Old French faile "deficiency," from falir (see fail (v.)). The Anglo-French form of the verb, failer, also came to be used as a noun, hence failure.
- fail (v.) c. 1200, "be unsuccessful in accomplishing a purpose;" also "cease to exist or to function, come to an end;" early 13c. as "fail in expectation or performance," from Old French falir "be lacking, miss, not succeed; run out, come to an end; err, make a mistake; be dying; let down, disappoint" (11c., Modern French faillir), from Vulgar Latin *fallire, from Latin fallere "to trip, cause to fall;" figuratively "to deceive, trick, dupe, cheat, elude; fail, be lacking or defective." Related: Failed; failing.
fail ★ / feɪl ; NAmE feɪl / verb , noun fail fails failed failing verb ★ not succeed 不成功 1 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to not be successful in achieving sth 失败;未能(做到) ◆ Many diets fail because they are boring. 许多规定饮食因单调乏味都不奏效。 ◆ a failing school 一所失败的学校 failin sth ◆ I failed in my attempt to persuade her. 我未能说服她。 failto do sth ◆ She failed to get into art college. 她未能进入艺术学院。 ◆ The song can't failto be a hit (= definitely will be a hit). 这首歌不可能不流行起来。 not do sth 未做某事 2 ★ [intransitive ] to not do sth 未做;未履行(某事) failto do sth ◆ He failed to keep the appointment. 他未履约。 ◆ She never fails to email every week. 每周她必定发电子邮件。 ◆ I fail to see (= I don't understand)why you won't even give it a try. 我不懂为什么你连试一试都不愿意。 failin sth ◆ He felt he would be failing in his duty if he did not report it. 他认为如果不报告就是他失职。 test/exam 测验;考试 3 ★ [transitive , intransitive ] to not pass a test or an exam; to decide that sb/sth has not passed a test or an exam 不及格;评定不及格 fail(sth) ◆ He failed his driving test. 他驾驶执照考试不及格。 ◆ She was disqualified after failing a drugs test. 她药检未通过,被取消了资格。 ◆ What will you do if you fail? 如果你考试失败打算干什么? failsb ◆ The examiners failed over half the candidates. 主考人员评定,半数以上考生不及格。 OPP pass of machines/parts of body 机器;身体部位 4 [intransitive ] to stop working 出故障;失灵 ◆ The brakes on my bike failed half way down the hill. 我的自行车下山途中车闸失灵了。 of health/sight 健康;视力 5 [intransitive ] ( especially in the progressive tenses 尤用于进行时 ) to become weak 衰退 ◆ Her eyesight is failing. 她的视力日渐衰退。 ◆ His last months in office were marred by failing health. 由于健康恶化,他最后几个月的工作大受影响。 disappoint sb 使失望 6 [transitive ] failsb to disappoint sb; to be unable to help when needed 使失望;有负于;无能为力 ◆ When he lost his job, he felt he had failed his family. 他失去工作以后,感到辜负了家庭。 ◆ She tried to be brave, but her courage failed her. 她想勇敢,但却鼓不起勇气。 ◆ ( figurative) Words fail me (= I cannot express how I feel). 我无法表达自己的感受。 not be enough 不足 7 [intransitive ] to not be enough when needed or expected 不足;缺乏 ◆ The crops failed again last summer. 上个夏季庄稼又歉收了。 ◆ The rains had failed and the rivers were dry. 雨量不足,河流干涸。 of company/business 公司;企业 8 [intransitive ] to be unable to continue 倒闭;破产 ◆ Several banks failed during the recession. 经济衰退期间有几家银行倒闭了。 IDIOM if all else ˈfails used to suggest sth that sb can do if nothing else they have tried is successful 实在不行的话(还可以…) ◆ If all else fails, you can always sell your motorbike. 如果所有别的办法都不行,你总还可以卖掉摩托车。 noun the result of an exam in which a person is not successful (考试)不及格 ◆ I got three passes and one fail. 我考试三门及格,一门不及格。 OPP pass IDIOM without ˈfail 1 when you tell sb to do sth without fail,you are telling them that they must do it 务必;一定 ◆ I want you here by two o'clock without fail. 我要你两点钟务必来到这里。 2 always 总是;必定 ◆ He emails every week without fail. 他每周必定发电子邮件。 fail / feɪl ; NAmE feɪl /
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