extract 英 [ˈekstrækt]   美 [ɪkˈstrækt]


extract  英 [ˈekstrækt] 美 [ɪkˈstrækt]

vt. 提取;摘录  n. 摘录;榨出物 

进行时:extracting  过去式:extracted  过去分词:extracted  第三人称单数:extracts  名词复数:extracts 

The following extract is taken from her new novel. 下面一段摘自她的新小说。
face cream containing natural plant extracts 含有天然植物提取物的面霜

  • When you extract something, you remove it from a larger whole. You can extract a passage from a book, or a liquid essence from a vanilla bean—vanilla extract.
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  • vt. 提取;摘录
  • n. 摘录;榨出物
  • 1. The following extract is taken from her new novel.


  • 2. face cream containing natural plant extracts


  • 3. to extract essential oils from plants


  • 4. This article is extracted from his new book.


  • 5. The dentist may decide that the wisdom teeth need to be extracted.


  • 6. They are unlikely to extract much benefit from the trip.


  • extract (n.) mid-15c., "digest or summary of something which has been written at greater length," from Late Latin extractum, noun use of neuter of extractus, past participle of extrahere "to draw out" (see extract (v.)). Physical sense of "that which is extracted," especially "something drawn from a substance by distillation or other chemical process" is from 1580s.
  • extract (v.) late 15c., from Latin extractus, past participle of extrahere "draw out," from ex "out, out of" (see ex-) + trahere "to draw" (see tract (n.1)). Related: Extracted; extracting.
ex·tract AWL noun , verb extract extracts extracted extracting noun / ˈekstrækt ; NAmE ˈekstrækt / 1 [countable ] extract(from sth) a short passage from a book, piece of music, etc. that gives you an idea of what the whole thing is like 摘录;选录;选曲;节录 The following extract is taken from her new novel. 下面一段摘自她的新小说。 2 [uncountable ,  countable ] a substance that has been obtained from sth else using a particular process 提取物;浓缩物;精;汁 yeast extract 酵母萃 face cream containing natural plant extracts 含有天然植物提取物的面霜 ( NAmE) vanilla extract 香草精 see also essence  (2 ) verb / ɪkˈstrækt ; NAmE ɪkˈstrækt / 1 extractsth (from sb/sth) to remove or obtain a substance from sth, for example by using an industrial or a chemical process 提取;提炼 a machine that extracts excess moisture from the air 抽湿机 to extract essential oils from plants 从植物中提取香精油 2 extractsth (from sb/sth) to obtain information, money, etc, often by taking it from sb who is unwilling to give it 索取,设法得到(不愿提供的信息、钱财等) Journalists managed to extract all kinds of information about her private life. 记者们终于得到了有关她私生活的各种情况。 3 extractsth (from sb/sth) to choose information, etc. from a book, a computer, etc. to be used for a particular purpose 选取;摘录;选录 This article is extracted from his new book. 本文选自他的新书。 4 extractsth (from sb/sth) ( formal or technical 术语 ) to take or pull sth out, especially when this needs force or effort (用力)取出,拔出 The dentist may decide that the wisdom teeth need to be extracted. 牙医可能会认为智牙需要拔掉。 He rifled through his briefcase and extracted a file. 他在公文包内搜索一番,取出一份文件。 5 extractsth (from sb/sth) ( formal) to get a particular feeling or quality from a situation 获得,得到(某种感觉或品质) SYN derive They are unlikely to extract much benefit from the trip. 他们不大可能从这次旅行中获得很多益处。 ex·tract / ˈekstrækt ; NAmE ˈekstrækt /
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