extortionist 英 [ɪk'stɔ:ʃnɪst]   美 [ɪk'stɔʃnɪst]


extortionist  英 [ɪk'stɔ:ʃnɪst] 美 [ɪk'stɔʃnɪst]

n. 勒索者;勒索钱财 


And the 1994 deal did its part to encourage Mr Kim in his extortionist habit of acting up and then pocketing placatory goodies, time and again. 1994年协议的作用之一就是鼓励了金正日的玩世不恭,而后又采取安抚措施的勒索习性,这被证明一遍又一遍地重复着。
In several cases, police and courts have demanded that the helper prove his or her innocence, while the extortionist has not needed to produce evidence. 在之前的许多案例中,警方与法院都要求救助人提供证据以证明他/他的清白,而勒索人(被救助人)则不需举证。

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  • n. 勒索者;勒索钱财
  • 1. And the 1994 deal did its part to encourage Mr Kim in his extortionist habit of acting up and then pocketing placatory goodies, time and again.


  • 2. In several cases, police and courts have demanded that the helper prove his or her innocence, while the extortionist has not needed to produce evidence.


  • extortionist (n.) 1824, from extortion + -ist. Earlier in the same sense were extorter (1590s), extortioner (late 14c.).
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