extortion 英 [ɪk'stɔ:ʃn]   美 [ɪkˈstɔrʃən]


extortion  英 [ɪk'stɔ:ʃn] 美 [ɪkˈstɔrʃən]

n. 勒索;敲诈;强夺;被勒索的财物 


The hitman and his 'victim"' faces extortion charges and the woman who hired him charges of making threats to kill. 杀手和他的小情人将面临敲诈勒索的指控,而买凶雇主本人则将面临威胁杀人的起诉。
Now, the hitman and his "victim" face extortion charges and the woman who hired him charges of making threats to kill. 如今,这位杀手和他的“受害者”面临被指控勒索(的罪名),而雇他的妇女也受到了“威胁杀害”的控告。

  • Extortion means forcing someone into giving you something through threats. A bully who tells kids he'll beat them up if they don't give him their lunch money is guilty of extortion.
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  • n. 勒索;敲诈;强夺;被勒索的财物
  • 1. The hitman and his 'victim"' faces extortion charges and the woman who hired him charges of making threats to kill.


  • 2. Now, the hitman and his "victim" face extortion charges and the woman who hired him charges of making threats to kill.


  • 3. Black jail guards routinely subject these detainees to abuses including physical violence, theft, extortion, threats, intimidation, and deprivation of food, sleep, and medical care.

    黑监狱的警卫常对被拘留者施行身体暴力、盗窃、勒索、虐待、威胁、恐吓, 还剥夺他们的食物、睡眠和医疗。

  • extortion (n.) c. 1300, from Latin extortionem (nominative extortio) "a twisting out, extorting," noun of action from past participle stem of extorquere "wrench out, wrest away, to obtain by force," from ex "out" (see ex-) + torquere "to twist" (from PIE root *terkw- "to twist").
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