expose 英 [ɪk'spəʊz]   美 [ɪkˈspoʊz]


expose  英 [ɪk'spəʊz] 美 [ɪkˈspoʊz]

vt. 揭露,揭发;使曝光 

进行时:exposing  过去式:exposed  过去分词:exposed  第三人称单数:exposes  名词复数:exposes 

Miles of sand are exposed at low tide. 在退潮时数英里的沙滩就会显现出来。
He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of amazingly white teeth. 他突然一笑,露出一口雪白的牙齿。

  • To expose means to uncover or allow to be in the open air. If you take off your coat and expose your bare arms to the terrible cold, your tattoos might freeze off. (Note: We don’t actually know if this is physically possible.)
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  • vt. 揭露,揭发;使曝光
  • 1. Miles of sand are exposed at low tide.


  • 2. He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of amazingly white teeth.


  • 3. My job as a journalist is to expose the truth.


  • 4. She was exposed as a liar and a fraud.


  • 5. Do not expose babies to strong sunlight.


  • 6. We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible.


  • expose (n.) also exposé, "display of discreditable information," 1803, initially as a French word; noun use of past participle of French exposer "lay open" (see expose (v.)). Earliest use was in reference to Napoleon.
  • expose (v.) early 15c., "to leave without shelter or defense," from Old French esposer, exposer "lay open, set forth, speak one's mind, explain" (13c.), from Latin exponere "set forth, lay open, exhibit, reveal, publish" (see expound), altered by confusion with poser "to place, lay down" (see pose (v.1)). Meaning "to exhibit openly" is from 1620s; that of "to unmask" is from 1690s. Photographic sense is from 1839. Related: Exposed; exposes; exposing.
ex·posé / ekˈspəʊzeɪ ; NAmE ˌekspoʊˈzeɪ / noun an account of the facts of a situation, especially when these are shocking or have deliberately been kept secret (尤指对令人震惊或故意保密的事实的)陈述,阐述,揭露 exposé exposés ex·posé / ekˈspəʊzeɪ ; NAmE ˌekspoʊˈzeɪ / ex·pose AWL / ɪkˈspəʊz ; NAmE ɪkˈspoʊz / verb show sth hidden 使显露 1 to show sth that is usually hidden 暴露;显露;露出 SYN reveal exposesth He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of amazingly white teeth. 他突然一笑,露出一口雪白的牙齿。 Miles of sand are exposed at low tide. 在退潮时数英里的沙滩就会显现出来。 My job as a journalist is to expose the truth. 我作为记者的职责就是揭露真相。 exposesth to sb He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone. 他不想向任何人显露他的恐惧与不安。 show truth 揭露事实 2 exposesb/sth (as sth) to tell the true facts about a person or a situation, and show them/it to be immoral, illegal, etc. 揭露;揭穿 She was exposed as a liar and a fraud. 她说谎和欺骗的面目被揭穿了。 He threatened to expose the racism that existed within the police force. 他扬言要把警队内部存在的种族歧视公之于众。 to sth harmful 有害事物 3 exposesb/sth/yourself (to sth) to put sb/sth in a place or situation where they are not protected from sth harmful or unpleasant 使面临,使遭受(危险或不快) to expose yourself to ridicule 让自己受到嘲笑 Do not expose babies to strong sunlight. 不要让婴孩受到强烈的阳光照射。 give experience 给予经验 4 exposesb to sth to let sb find out about sth by giving them experience of it or showing them what it is like 使接触;使体验 We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible. 我们想让孩子们尽量受到艺术和文化薰陶。 film in camera 照相机胶片 5 exposesth to allow light onto the film inside a camera when taking a photograph 曝光 yourself 自己 6 exposeyourself a man who exposeshimself, shows his sexual organs in public in a way that is offensive to other people 当众露阴 see also exposure expose exposes exposed exposing ex·pose / ɪkˈspəʊz ; NAmE ɪkˈspoʊz /
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