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- prep. 在…以前;毋宁
- conj. 在…以前;毋宁
1. Yet, if death be in this cup, I bid thee think again, ere thou beholdest me quaff it.
2. I prepared breakfast for the household, as was my usual custom, but told Hareton and Catherine to get theirs ere the master came down, for he lay late.
3. It was Brissenden, and in the fleeting glimpse, ere the car started up, Martin noted the overcoat pockets, one bulging with books, the other bulging with a quart bottle of whiskey.
是布里森登。 在电车起动之前的短暂的一瞥里地注意到布里森登外衣的口袋鼓鼓囊囊的,一边塞着书,一边是一瓶一夸脱装的威士忌酒。
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