entrance 英 [ˈentrəns]   美 [ˈentrəns]


entrance  英 [ˈentrəns] 美 [ˈentrəns]

n. 入口;进入; 使入迷 

进行时:entrancing  过去式:entranced  过去分词:entranced  第三人称单数:entrances  名词复数:entrances 

entrancing music 令人陶醉的音乐
university entrance exam 大学入学考试

  • As a noun, entrance means an act of entering or something that provides a way to enter something. You can make a grand entrance when you arrive at a party, as long as you can actually find the entrance.
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  • n. 入口;进入; 使入迷
  • 1. entrancing music


  • 2. university entrance exam


  • 3. He listened to her, entranced.


  • 4. the front entrance of the house, the back entrance of the house


  • 5. We turned in at the entrance.


  • 6. Do we have only one entrance?


  • 7. the entrance to the museum , the museum entrance


  • 8. I'll meet you at the main entrance.


  • 9. She made her entrance after all the other guests had arrived.


  • entrance (n.) 1520s, "act of entering," from Middle French entrance, from entrer (see enter). Sense of "door, gate" first recorded in English 1530s. Meaning "a coming of an actor upon the stage" is from c. 1600.
  • entrance (v.) "to throw into a trance," 1590s, from en- (1) "put in" + trance (n.). Meaning "to delight" also is 1590s. Related: Entranced; entrancing; entrancement.
en·trance 2 / ɪnˈtrɑːns ; NAmE ɪnˈtræns / verb [usually passive ] entrancesb ( formal) to make sb feel great pleasure and admiration so that they give sb/sth all their attention 使狂喜;使入迷 SYN enthral He listened to her, entranced. 他听她讲话听得出了神。 see also entrance 1 en·tran·cing / ɪnˈtrɑːnsɪŋ ; NAmE ɪnˈtrænsɪŋ / adjective entrancing music 令人陶醉的音乐 entrance entrances entranced entrancing en·trance / ɪnˈtrɑːns ; NAmE ɪnˈtræns / en·tran·cing / ɪnˈtrɑːnsɪŋ ; NAmE ɪnˈtrænsɪŋ / en·trance 1 / ˈentrəns ; NAmE ˈentrəns / noun see also entrance 2 door/gate 1 [countable ] entrance(to sth) a door, gate, passage, etc. used for entering a room, building or place 大门(口);入口(处);通道 the entrance to the museum/the museum entrance 博物馆入口处 A lighthouse marks the entrance to the harbour. 灯塔是进入海港的标志。 the front/back/side entranceof the house 房子的前门╱后门╱侧门 an entrance hall/lobby 门厅 I'll meet you at the main entrance. 我在正门和你碰面。 compare exit n.  (1 ) going in 进入 2 [countable ,  usually singular ] the act of entering a room, building or place, especially in a way that attracts the attention of other people 进入;出场;登场 His sudden entrance took everyone by surprise. 他的突然出场使所有人都感到意外。 A fanfare signalled the entrance of the king. 响亮的喇叭声是国王驾到的信号。 She made her entranceafter all the other guests had arrived. 她在其他所有客人都到达后才入场。 The hero makes his entrance (= walks onto the stage)in Scene 2. 男主角在第 2 场出场。 3 [uncountable ] entrance(to sth) the right or opportunity to enter a building or place 进入权;进入机会 They were refused entrance to the exhibition. 他们被拒于展览会门外。 The police were unable to gain entranceto the house. 警方未能得到进入这栋房子的许可。 ( BrE) an entrance fee (= money paid to go into a museum, etc.) 入场费 becoming involved 卷入 4 [countable ] entrance(into sth) the act of becoming involved in sth 卷入;参与 The company made a dramatic entrance into the export market. 这家公司戏剧性地打入了出口市场。 to club/institution 俱乐部;机构 5 [uncountable ] permission to become a member of a club, society, university, etc. (俱乐部、社团、大学等的)准许加入,进入许可 a university entrance exam 大学入学考试 entrance requirements 入学要求 entrance(to sth) Entrance to the golf club is by sponsorship only. 只有通过赞助才能加入这个高尔夫球俱乐部。 compare entry entrance entrances entranced entrancing en·trance / ˈentrəns ; NAmE ˈentrəns /
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