enter 英 [ˈentə(r)]   美 [ˈɛntɚ]


enter  英 [ˈentə(r)] 美 [ˈɛntɚ]

vt. 进入;参加 

进行时:entering  过去式:entered  过去分词:entered  第三人称单数:enters 

Knock before you enter. 进来前先敲门。
Someone entered the room behind me. 有人跟着我进了房间。

  • To enter is to go inside or into a place. When you enter your house after school, you might pet your cat and take off your shoes.
  • 请先登录
  • vt. 进入;参加
  • 1. Knock before you enter.


  • 2. Someone entered the room behind me.


  • 3. to enter a school, to enter a college, to enter an university


  • 4. to enter politics


  • 5. to enter a war


  • 6. Several new firms have now entered the market.


  • 7. 1 000 children entered the competition.

    *1 000 名孩子报名参加了比赛。

  • 8. How many students have been entered for the exam?


  • 9. to enter data into a computer


  • enter (v.) late 13c. entren, "enter into a place or a situation; join a group or society" (trans.); early 14c., "make one's entrance" (intrans.), from Old French entrer "enter, go in; enter upon, assume; initiate," from Latin intrare "to go into, enter" (source of Spanish entrar, Italian entrare), from intra "within," related to inter (prep., adv.) "among, between," from PIE *enter "between, among," comparative of root *en "in."
enter / ˈentə(r) ; NAmE ˈentər / verb come/go in 进来;进去 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( not usually used in the passive 通常不用于被动语态 ) ( formal) to come or go into sth 进来;进去;进入 Knock before you enter. 进来前先敲门。 entersth Someone entered the room behind me. 有人跟着我进了房间。 Where did the bullet enter the body? 子弹从哪个部位穿入身体的? ( figurative) A note of defiance entered her voice. 她的声音里带有蔑视的口气。 ( figurative) It never entered my head (= I never thought)that she would tell him about me. 我从未想到过她会把我的事告诉他。 join institution/start work 加入机构;开始从事 2 [transitive ,  no passive ] entersth ( formal) to become a member of an institution; to start working in an organization or a profession 成为…的一员;加入;开始从事 to enter a school/college/university 考入学校╱学院╱大学 to enter politics 开始从政 to enter Parliament (= become an MP) 成为英国议会议员 to enter the Church (= become a priest) 成为神职人员 begin activity 开始活动 3 [transitive ] entersth to begin or become involved in an activity, a situation, etc. 开始参加;开始进入;着手进行 to enter a relationship/conflict/war 建立关系;发生冲突;参战 Several new firms have now entered the market. 有几家新公司已打入市场。 The investigation has entered a new phase. 调查已进入新阶段。 The strike is entering its fourth week. 罢工正进入第四周。 exam/competition 考试;比赛 4 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to put your name on the list for an exam, a race, a competition, etc; to do this for sb 报名参加,为…报名参加(考试、比赛等) entersth 1 000 children entered the competition. *1 000 名孩子报名参加了比赛。 entersb/sth in sth Irish trainers have entered several horses in the race. 爱尔兰驯马师让好几匹马参加了比赛。 entersb/sth for sth How many students have been entered for the exam? 让多少学生参加了考试? enter(for sth) Only four British players have entered for the championship. 只有四名英国运动员报名参加锦标赛。 write information 记录信息 5 [transitive ] to put names, numbers, details, etc. in a list, book or computer 登记,录入,输入(姓名、号码、详细资料等) entersth (in sth) Enter your name and occupation in the boxes (= on a form). 将姓名和职业填入(表格的)方框里。 entersth (into sth) to enter data into a computer 将数据输入计算机 entersth (on sth) to enter figures on a spreadsheet 将数字输入电脑表格 say officially 正式说 6 [transitive ] entersth ( formal) to say sth officially so that it can be recorded (正式)提出 to enter a pleaof not guilty (= at the beginning of a court case) (在诉讼案件开始时)提出无罪的抗辩 to enter an offer 报价 see also entrance 1 , entry IDIOMsee force n. , name n. PHRASAL VERBS ˈenter into sth ( formal) 1 to begin to discuss or deal with sth 开始讨论;着手处理 Let's not enter into details at this stage. 咱们现阶段不要讨论细节问题。 2 to take an active part in sth 积极参加;投入 They entered into the spiritof the occasion (= began to enjoy and feel part of it). 他们开始感受到了节庆的气氛。 3 [no passive ] to form part of sth or have an influence on sth 成为…的一部份;影响 This possibility never entered into our calculations. 我们从未估计到这种可能性。 Your personal feelings shouldn't enter into this at all. 这根本就不应该掺杂进你个人的感情。 ˈenter into sth (with sb) to begin sth or become involved in sth 开始;进入;参与 to enter into an agreement 订立协议 to enter into negotiations 开始谈判 ˈenter on/upon sth ( formal) to start to do sth or become involved in it 开始;着手;参与 to enter on a new career 开始新的职业生涯 enter enters entered entering enter / ˈentə(r) ; NAmE ˈentər /
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