enervating ['enə:veitiŋ]  


enervating  ['enə:veitiŋ]

adj. 使人衰弱的;令人萎靡不振的  v. 使…丧失力量;使…衰弱(enervate的ing形式) 


The air of the place, so fresh in the spring and early summer, was stagnant and enervating now. 这个地方的空气,在春天和初夏都非常清新,而现在却变得呆滞和使人困倦了。
As I explored the city over the last few days, quirks like these gradually loomed more endearing than enervating, and there were many of them. 就在我探访这座城市的这几天,类似的怪事逐渐显现了,这些事与其说它了无生趣,还不如说挺讨人喜欢的。

  • What do standing out in the cold rain, a pile of homework, and an emotional breakdown all have in common? They're enervating: in other words, they completely drain you of physical and emotional energy.
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  • adj. 使人衰弱的;令人萎靡不振的
  • v. 使…丧失力量;使…衰弱(enervate的ing形式)
  • 1. The air of the place, so fresh in the spring and early summer, was stagnant and enervating now.


  • 2. As I explored the city over the last few days, quirks like these gradually loomed more endearing than enervating, and there were many of them.


  • 3. Russia needs to learn that in spite of their own enervating foreign wars and economic worries the members of the Western alliance can still unite in front of a challenge.


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