echo 英 [ˈekəʊ]   美 [ˈekoʊ]


echo  英 [ˈekəʊ] 美 [ˈekoʊ]

vt. 反射;重复  vi. 随声附和;发出回声  n. 回音;效仿 

进行时:echoing  过去式:echoed  过去分词:echoed  第三人称单数:echoes  名词复数:echoes 

Then the father explains,"People call this echo, but really this is LIFE. 这时父亲解释说:“人们称这为‘回音’,但实际上这就是‘人生’。
In the music of her voice, an echo sounded from long ago, and as I rested by her side, the decades dissolved. 在她音乐般的嗓音中,传来许久之前的回音,我躺在她身边,数十年的时光为之消却。

  • An echo is a repetition or imitation of sound. When sound waves hit a hard surface they might reflect, making the sound bounce and repeat. If you agree with someone, you might echo his or her statement.
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  • vt. 反射;重复
  • vi. 随声附和;发出回声
  • n. 回音;效仿
  • 1. Then the father explains,"People call this echo, but really this is LIFE.


  • 2. In the music of her voice, an echo sounded from long ago, and as I rested by her side, the decades dissolved.


  • 3. We shouted in the valley, and in an instant the echo came from the hillside with great distinctness.

    我们在山谷中高呼, 回声霎时间就从山腰上清晰地返回。

  • echo (n.) mid-14c., "sound repeated by reflection," from Latin echo, from Greek echo, personified in classical mythology as a mountain nymph who pined away for love of Narcissus until nothing was left of her but her voice, from or related to ekhe "sound," ekhein "to resound," from PIE *wagh-io-, extended form of root *(s)wagh- "to resound" (source also of Sanskrit vagnuh "sound," Latin vagire "to cry," Old English swogan "to resound"). Related: Echoes. Echo chamber attested from 1937.
  • echo (v.) 1550s (intrans.), c. 1600 (trans.), from echo (n.). Related: Echoed; echoing.
echo / ˈekəʊ ; NAmE ˈekoʊ / noun , verb echo echoes echoed echoing noun ( plural echoes ) 1 the reflecting of sound off a wall or inside a confined space so that a noise appears to be repeated; a sound that is reflected back in this way 回响;回声;回音 There was an echo on the phone and I couldn't hear clearly. 电话里有回音,我听不清楚。 The hills sent back a faint echo. 座座山丘传来微弱的回声。 the echo of footsteps running down the corridor 沿走廊跑的脚步回声 2 the fact of an idea, event, etc. being like another and reminding you of it; sth that reminds you of sth else 映现;暗示;启示;反响 Yesterday's crash has grim echoes of previous disasters. 昨天的撞车事故使人想起之前那些令人痛心的灾难。 3 an opinion or attitude that agrees with or repeats one already expressed or thought 共鸣;附和;重复 His words were an echo of what she had heard many times before. 他的话跟她以往多次听到过的话重复。 The speech found an echoin the hearts of many of the audience (= they agreed with it). 这次演讲在许多听众的心中引起共鸣。 verb ( echoes , echo·ing , echoed , echoed ) 1 [intransitive ] if a sound echoes,it is reflected off a wall, the side of a mountain, etc. so that you can hear it again 回响;回荡 SYN reverberate Her footsteps echoed in the empty room. 她的脚步声在空荡荡的屋子里回响着。 The gunshot echoed through the forest. 枪炮声在林中回荡。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to send back and repeat a sound; to be full of a sound 发出回声;产生回响;充满回声 SYN reverberate The whole house echoed. 整个房子充满回声。 echoto/with sth The street echoed with the cries of children. 街上回荡着孩子的哭声。 echosth (back) The valley echoed back his voice. 山谷里回荡着他的声音。 3 [transitive ] echosth to repeat an idea or opinion because you agree with it 重复,附和(想法或看法) This is a view echoed by many on the right of the party. 这是党内许多右翼分子都重复过的观点。 4 [transitive ] + speech | echosth to repeat what sb else has just said, especially because you find it surprising (尤因感到意外而)重复…话,模仿 ‘He's gone!’ Viv echoed. “他去了!”维夫重复道。 echo / ˈekəʊ ; NAmE ˈekoʊ /
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