doll 英 [dɒl]   美 [dɑl]


doll  英 [dɒl] 美 [dɑl]

n. 洋娃娃;玩偶; 


a rag doll 布娃娃
She's quite a doll. 她真是个美人儿。

  • A doll is a toy that looks like a small person, often a baby. When kids play with dolls, they might dress them up, push them in toy strollers, and have pretend tea parties with them.
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  • n. 洋娃娃;玩偶;
  • 1. a rag doll


  • 2. She's quite a doll.


  • doll (n.) 1550s, endearing name for a female pet or a mistress; originally a familiar form of fem. proper name Dorothy (q.v.). The -l- for -r- substitution in nicknames is common in English: compare Hal for Harold, Moll for Mary, Sally for Sarah, etc. Attested from 1640s as colloquial for "slattern;" sense of "child's toy baby" is c. 1700. Transferred back to living beings 1778 in sense of "pretty, silly woman."
  • doll (v.) 1867, "to pet, indulge," from doll (n.). Usually with up. Meaning "to dress up" is from 1906, American English. Related: Dolled; dolling.
doll / dɒl ; NAmE dɑːl / noun , verb doll dolls dolled dolling noun 1 a child's toy in the shape of a person, especially a baby or a child 玩偶;玩具娃娃 a rag doll (= one made out of cloth) 布娃娃 2 ( old-fashioned, informal) ( especially NAmE) a word used to describe a pretty or attractive woman, now often considered offensive 俊妞,甜姐儿,美人儿(现多认为意含冒犯) She's quite a doll. 她真是个美人儿。 verb PHRASAL VERB ˌdoll sb/yourself ˈup ( informal) to make sb/yourself look attractive for a party, etc, with fashionable clothes (把…)打扮得花枝招展,装扮得漂漂亮亮 Are you getting dolled upfor the party? 你要把自己打扮起来去参加聚会吗? doll / dɒl ; NAmE dɑːl /
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