discoverer [dis'kʌvərə]  


discoverer  [dis'kʌvərə]

n. 发现者 


In general, comets are named after their discoverer, either a person. 总的来说,彗星是以发现者,或者说是人的名字命名的。
He was quick to publish his findings, thus securing a place in world history as the discoverer of what turned out to be virtually the only medical use for the substance. 他即刻公布了这一发现,因此他作为在医疗实用中运用的唯一的该物质的发现者在世界历史上占有一席之地。

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  • n. 发现者
  • 1. In general, comets are named after their discoverer, either a person.


  • 2. He was quick to publish his findings, thus securing a place in world history as the discoverer of what turned out to be virtually the only medical use for the substance.


  • 3. The Mozart’s frog’s whistle-like call resembles musical notes when mapped as an audiospectrogram, a fact that inspired discoverer Blair Hedges to name the species after the famed composer.


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