differentially [,difə'renʃəli]  


differentially  [,difə'renʃəli]

adv. 区别地 

Most businesses use data that can be differentially categorized. 很多公司使用的数据分类不同。
To award producers differentially by how much training they have had, or even by how hard they work, would recreate class divisions and the need for a state to oversee everything. 分别以经历了多少训练和工作的辛苦程度来奖励生产者,这将会重现阶级分野,而且需要一个国家来监管一切。

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  • adv. 区别地
  • 1. Most businesses use data that can be differentially categorized.


  • 2. To award producers differentially by how much training they have had, or even by how hard they work, would recreate class divisions and the need for a state to oversee everything.


  • 3. If you're from an ethics of divinity, you may appeal to religious injunctions against certain actions and behaviors and these may differentially restrict the behavior of men and women.


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