debate 英 [dɪˈbeɪt]   美 [ dɪˈbet]


debate  英 [dɪˈbeɪt] 美 [ dɪˈbet]

v. 辩论,争论;盘算  n. 辩论;辩论会 

进行时:debating  过去式:debated  过去分词:debated  第三人称单数:debates  名词复数:debates 

She debated with herself for a while, and then picked up the phone. 她仔细琢磨了一会儿,然后拿起了电话。
Politicians will be debating the bill later this week. 政界将在本周晚些时候讨论这个议案。

  • Another word for formally discuss is debate. Cheese lovers often debate the merits of gorgonzola, triple creme brie, and gouda. Of course, they need to accompany their arguments with a taste test!
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  • v. 辩论,争论;盘算
  • n. 辩论;辩论会
  • 1. She debated with herself for a while, and then picked up the phone.


  • 2. Politicians will be debating the bill later this week.


  • 3. There had been much debate on the issue of childcare.


  • 4. the current debate about tax


  • 5. The motion under debate was put to a vote.


  • 6. The minister opened the debate .


  • 7. a debate on abortion


  • 8. For a moment he debated going after her.


  • debate (n.) early 14c., "a quarrel, dispute, disagreement," from Old French debat; see debate (v.). Sense of "a formal dispute, a debating contest, interchange of arguments in a somewhat formal manner" is perhaps from early 15c.
  • debate (v.) late 14c., "to quarrel, dispute," also "discuss, deliberate upon the pros and cons of," from Old French debatre (13c., Modern French débattre), originally "to fight," from de- "down, completely" (see de-) + batre "to beat," from Latin battuere "beat" (see batter (v.)). Related: Debated; debating.
de·bate AWL / dɪˈbeɪt ; NAmE dɪˈbeɪt / noun , verb debate debates debated debating noun [countable ,  uncountable ] debate(on/about/over sth) 1 a formal discussion of an issue at a public meeting or in a parliament. In a debatetwo or more speakers express opposing views and then there is often a vote on the issue. (在公共集会上或议会里就某问题进行的、常以表决结束的)辩论 a debate on abortion 关于堕胎的辩论 The minister opened the debate (= was the first to speak). 部长在辩论时率先发言。 The motion under debate (= being discussed)was put to a vote. 辩论中的动议已付诸表决。 After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal. 经过长时间辩论,国会通过了这项提议。 synonyms at discussion collocationsat politics 2 an argument or discussion expressing different opinions (各自发表不同意见的)争论,辩论,讨论 a heated/wide-ranging/lively debate 激烈的╱广泛的╱热烈的争论 the current debate about tax 目前关于税收的讨论 There had been much debate on the issue of childcare. 人们对儿童保育问题议论纷纷。 Whether he deserves what has happened to him is open to debate/a matter for debate (= cannot be certain or decided yet). 他是否罪有应得还有待于讨论。 The theatre's future is a subject of considerable debate. 剧院的前途是一个颇有争议的问题。 verb 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to discuss sth, especially formally, before making a decision or finding a solution (尤指正式)讨论,辩论 SYN discuss debate(sth) Politicians will be debating the bill later this week. 政界将在本周晚些时候讨论这个议案。 The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly debated (= strongly argued about)by scientists. 关于宇宙起源问题,科学家仍在激烈辩论。 debatewhether, what, etc… The committee will debate whether to lower the age of club membership to 16. 委员会将讨论是否将参加俱乐部的年龄限制放宽到 16 岁。 synonyms at talk 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to think carefully about sth before making a decision 仔细考虑;思考;盘算 debate(with yourself) She debated with herself for a while, and then picked up the phone. 她仔细琢磨了一会儿,然后拿起了电话。 debatewhether, what, etc… We're debating whether or not to go skiing this winter. 我们盘算着今年冬天是否去滑雪。 debatedoing sth For a moment he debated going after her. 他仔细思考了片刻要不要去追求她。 de·bat·ing / dɪˈbeɪtɪŋ ; NAmE dɪˈbeɪtɪŋ / noun [uncountable ] a debating society at a school 学校的辩论学会 de·bate / dɪˈbeɪt ; NAmE dɪˈbeɪt / de·bat·ing / dɪˈbeɪtɪŋ ; NAmE dɪˈbeɪtɪŋ /
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