- A crop is a large amount of one kind of fruit or vegetable that's grown on a farm. Your farmer uncle's corn crop might be especially large after a summer with plenty of rain.
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- n. 产量;农作物;庄稼;
- vt. 种庄稼;修剪;
1. crop production, crop yield
2. Sugar is an important crop on the island.
3. a fall in this year's coffee crop
4. She is really the cream of the crop.
5. a crop of disasters
6. closely cropped hair
7. The potatoes cropped well this year.
8. The field is intensively cropped.
- crop (n.) Old English cropp "bird's craw," also "head or top of a sprout or herb." The common notion is "protuberance." Cognate with Old High German kropf, Old Norse kroppr. Meaning "harvest product" is c. 1300, probably through the verbal meaning "cut off the top of a plant" (c. 1200).
- crop (v.) "cut off the top of a plant," c. 1200, from crop (n.). The general meaning of "to cut off" is mid-15c. Related: Cropped; cropping. Women's fashion crop top is attested from 1984.
crop ★ / krɒp ; NAmE krɑːp / noun , verb crop crops cropped cropping noun ★ plants for food 庄稼 1 ★ [countable ] a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food 庄稼;作物 ◆ Sugar is an important crop on the island. 甘蔗是这个岛上的一种重要作物。 ◆ crop rotation/production/yield 农作物轮作╱生产╱产量 ◆ The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides. 农作物定期喷洒杀虫剂。 ☞ collocationsat farming ☞see also cash crop 2 ★ [countable ] the amount of grain, fruit, etc. that is grown in one season (谷物、水果等一季的)收成,产量 SYN harvest ◆ a fall in this year's coffee crop 今年咖啡产量的下降 ◆ We are looking forward to a bumper crop (= a very large one). 我们期盼着大丰收。 group of people 一群人 3 [singular ] a cropof sth a group of people who do sth at the same time; a number of things that happen at the same time (同时做某事的)一群人,一批人;(同时发生的)一些事情 ◆ the current crop of trainees 现在的这批练习生 ◆ She is really the cream of the crop (= the best in her group). 她的确是那批人中的精英。 ◆ a crop of disasters/injuries 一连串的灾难╱伤害 whip 鞭子 4 [countable ] a short whipused by horse riders (骑手的)短马鞭 ◆ a riding crop 骑马用的短马鞭 hair 头发 5 [countable ] a very short hairstyle 短发 6 [singular ] a ~ of dark, fair, etc. hair/curls hair that is short and thick 短而密的头发 ◆ He had a thick crop of black curly hair. 他有一头浓黑鬈曲的短发。 of bird 鸟 7 ( technical 术语 ) a part of a bird's throat shaped like a bag where food is stored before it passes into the stomach 嗉囊;嗉子 verb ( -pp- ) hair 头发 1 [transitive ] cropsth (+ adj.) to cut sb's hair very short 剪短 ◆ closely cropped hair 剪得很短的头发 photograph 照片 2 [transitive ] cropsth ( technical 术语 ) to cut off part of a photograph or picture 剪裁(照片或图画) of animals 动物 3 [transitive ] cropsth to bite off and eat the tops of plants, especially grass 啃吃(青草或其他植物上面的部份) plants 植物 4 [intransitive ] (of plants 植物 ) to produce a crop 有收成 ◆ The potatoes cropped well this year. 今年马铃薯丰收。 5 [transitive ] cropsth to use land to grow crops 种地;种庄稼 ◆ The river valley is intensively cropped. 河谷里种满了庄稼。 PHRASAL VERB ˌcrop ˈup to appear or happen, especially when it is not expected (尤指意外地)出现,发生 SYN come up ◆ His name just cropped up in conversation. 交谈时无意中就提到了他的名字。 ◆ I'll be late—something's cropped up at home. 我要晚一点来,家里突然出了点事。 crop / krɒp ; NAmE krɑːp /
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