course 英 [kɔ:s]   美 [kɔrs]


course  英 [kɔ:s] 美 [kɔrs]

n. 课程;航线,行动方向,进展;一道菜 

进行时:coursing  过去式:coursed  过去分词:coursed  第三人称单数:courses  名词复数:courses 

a French course 法语课程
to take a course in art and design 攻读美术与设计课程

  • The noun course can refer to a series of lectures, discussions, or other lessons in a particular subject. To graduate from high school, you have to take certain courses in English, social studies, math, and science. Naturally, you want to pass them!
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  • n. 课程;航线,行动方向,进展;一道菜
  • 1. a French course


  • 2. to take a course in art and design


  • 3. to go on amanagement training course


  • 4. The college runs specialist language courses.


  • 5. a degree course


  • 6. The plane was on/off course.


  • 7. He radioed the pilot to change course.


  • 8. They set a course for the islands.


  • 9. The president appears likely to change course on some key issues.


  • 10. There are various courses open to us.


  • 11. What course of action would you recommend?


  • 12. a four-course dinner


  • 13. The main course was roast duck.


  • 14. a course of ten lectures


  • course (n.) c. 1300, "onward movement, motion forward, a running in a prescribed direction or over a prescribed distance; path or distance prescribed for a race, a race-course" from Old French cors "course; run, running; flow of a river" (12c.), from Latin cursus "a running; a journey; direction, track navigated by a ship; flow of a stream;" from curs- past participle stem of currere "to run" (from PIE root *kers- "to run").
  • course (v.) mid-15c., "to pursue, hound" (obsolete); 1530s, "to run, pass over," from course (n.). Related: Coursed; coursing.
course / kɔːs ; NAmE kɔːrs / noun , verb course courses coursed coursing noun education 教育 1 [countable ] course(in/on sth) a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject (有关某学科的系列)课程,讲座 a French/chemistry, etc. course 法语、化学等课程 to take/do a coursein art and design 攻读美术与设计课程 to go on amanagement training course 去参加管理培训讲座 The college runsspecialist language courses. 这所学院开设有专门语言课程。 collocationsat education see also correspondence course , crash adj. , foundation course , induction course , refresher course , sandwich course 2 [countable ] ( especially BrE) a period of study at a college or university that leads to an exam or a qualification (学院或大学中要进行考试或取得资格的)课程 a degree course 学位课程 a two-year postgraduate course leading to a master's degree 两年制硕士研究生课程 compare programme n.  (5 ) direction 方向 3 [uncountable ,  countable ,  usually singular ] a direction or route followed by a ship or an aircraft (船或飞机的)航向,航线 The plane was on/off course (= going/not going in the right direction). 飞机航向正确╱偏离。 He radioed the pilot to change course. 他用无线电通知飞行员改变航向。 They set a coursefor the islands. 他们确定了去群岛的航线。 4 [countable ,  usually singular ] the general direction in which sb's ideas or actions are moving 方针;行动方向 The president appears likely to change courseon some key issues. 总统看起来可能要在某些重要问题上改变方针。 Politicians are often obliged to steer a course between incompatible interests. 政治家常常被迫在互不相容的利益集团之间开辟航道。 action 行动 5 ( also ˌcourse of ˈaction ) [countable ] a way of acting in or dealing with a particular situation 行动方式;处理方法 There are various courses open to us. 我们有多种处理方法可采取。 What course of action would you recommend? 你想推荐什么办法呢? The wisest course would be to say nothing. 最明智的对策是缄口不语。 development 发展 6 [singular ] courseof sth the way sth develops or should develop 进展;进程 an event that changed the course of history 改变了历史进程的事件 The unexpected course of eventsaroused considerable alarm. 意外的事态发展引起了相当大的恐慌。 part of meal 菜肴 7 [countable ] any of the separate parts of a meal 一道菜 a four-course dinner 有四道菜的正餐 The main course was roast duck. 主菜是烤鸭。 collocationsat restaurant for golf 高尔夫球 8 [countable ] = golf course He set a new course record. 他创下了高尔夫球的新纪录。 for races 比赛 9 [countable ] an area of land or water where races are held 比赛场地;跑道;赛船水道;泳道 She was overtaken on the last stretch of the course. 她在最后的直线跑道上被超过。 see also assault course , racecourse of river 江河 10 [countable ,  usually singular ] the direction a river moves in 江河流向 The path follows the course of the river. 小路沿河道延伸。 medical treatment 医疗 11 [countable ] course(of sth) a series of medical treatments, pills, etc. (医疗、服药等的)疗程 to prescribe a course of antibiotics 开一个抗生素疗程的处方 in wall 墙壁 12 [countable ] a continuous layer of bricks, stone, etc. in a wall (砖、石等墙的)层 A new damp-proof course could cost £1 000 or more. 新的防潮层可花掉 1 000 英镑以上。 IDIOMS in course of sth ( formal) going through a particular process 在…的过程中 The new textbook is in course of preparation. 新的教科书正在准备之中。 in/over the course of… ( used with expressions for periods of time 与表示时间段的词组连用 ) during 在…期间;在…的时候 He's seen many changes in the course of his long life. 他在漫长的一生中目睹了许许多多的变化。 The company faces major challenges over the course of the next few years. 这家公司今后几年将面临重大的挑战。 in the course of ˈtime when enough time has passed 总有一天;最后;终于 SYN eventually It is possible that in the course of time a cure for cancer will be found. 治疗癌症的方法终有一天能找到。 in the ordinary, normal, etc. course of events, things, etc. as things usually happen 按通常情况;在一般情况下;通常 SYN normally In the normal course of things we would not treat her disappearance as suspicious. 在一般情况下,她不露面,我们也不会觉得有什么可疑之处。 of course 1 ( also course ) ( informal) used to emphasize that what you are saying is true or correct (强调所说的话属实或正确)当然 ‘Don't you like my mother?’ ‘Of course I do!’ “难道你不喜欢我母亲?”“当然喜欢!” ‘Will you be there?’ ‘Course I will.’ “你会去那里吗?”“当然会。” 2 ( also course ) ( informal) used as a polite way of giving sb permission to do sth (允许某人做某事的客气说法)当然 ‘Can I come, too?’ ‘Course you can.’ “我也可以来吗?”“当然可以。” ‘Can I have one of those pens?’ ‘Of course—help yourself.’ “我能在那些笔中拿一支吗?”“当然,自己拿吧。” 3 ( informal) used as a polite way of agreeing with what sb has just said (礼貌地同意某人刚说的话)当然 ‘I did all I could to help.’ ‘Of course,’ he murmured gently. “我尽全力帮忙了。”“当然。”他轻声低语道。 4 used to show that what you are saying is not surprising or is generally known or accepted (表示所说的事不令人惊讶或具有普遍性)当然,自然 Ben, of course, was the last to arrive. 本当然是最后一个到的。 Of course, there are other ways of doing this. 当然还有别的方法做这件事。 language bank at nevertheless of ˈcourse not ( also ˈcourse not ) used to emphasize the fact that you are saying ‘no’ (强调不同意)当然不 ‘Are you going?’ ‘Of course not.’ “你要去吗?”“当然不去。” ‘Do you mind?’ ‘No, of course not.’ “你介意吗?”“不,当然不介意。” on ˈcourse for sth/to do sth likely to achieve or do sth because you have already started to do it (因为已开始做而)很可能做成(或做) The American economy is on course for higher inflation than Britain by the end of the year. 美国经济很可能在今年年底前出现比英国高的通货膨胀。 run/take its ˈcourse to develop in the usual way and come to the usual end 任其发展;听其自然 When her tears had run their course, she felt calmer and more in control. 等她哭够了,她就比较镇静,比较克制了。 With minor ailments the best thing is often to let nature take its course. 对于小病,往往最好是听其自然。 more at collision , due adj. , horse n. , matter n. , middle adj. , par , pervert v. , stay v. verb [intransitive ] + adv./prep. ( literary) (of liquid 液体 ) to move or flow quickly 快速地流动;奔流 BRITISH/AMERICAN 英式/美式英语 course / program In BrE courseis used for a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject. 在英式英语中,course 指某学科的系列课程或讲座: a physics course 物理课程 a course of ten lectures 有十次讲座的课程 In NAmEyou would say 美式英语说: a physics course/program 物理课程 a program of ten lectures. 有十次讲座的课程 In NAmEa courseis usually an individual unit that forms part of a longer period of study 在美式英语中,course 通常指较长学习阶段中的一个独立单元: I have to take a physics course/class. 我得参加一个物理课程。 This is called a modulein Britain, especially in a college or university. 在英国,尤其是高等院校,这种独立单元叫 module。 In BrE coursecan also mean a period of study at a college or university. 英式英语的 course 亦可指高等教育的一个阶段: a two-year college course 两年的大学课程 In NAmEyou would say 美式英语说: a two-year college program 两年的大学课程 MORE ABOUT 补充说明 of course Of courseis often used to show that what you are saying is not surprising or is generally known or accepted. For this reason, and because it can be difficult to get the right intonation, you may not sound polite if you use of courseor of course notwhen you answer a request for information or permission. It can be safer to use a different word or phrase. *of course 常用以表示所说的事不足为奇或理所当然。与此同时,由于可能不容易掌握恰当的语调,用 of course 或 of course not 回答询问或请求时可能显得不礼貌。因此,用其他词语或短语可能更稳妥。 ‘Is this the right room for the English class?’ ‘Yes, it is.’ “这是上英语课的教室吗?”“是的。” ‘Of course.’ or ‘Of course it is.’ ‘Can I borrow your dictionary?’ ‘Certainly.’ ( formal) “我可以借用一下你的词典吗?”“当然可以。”(正式) ‘Sure.’ ( informal) “当然可以。”(非正式) ‘Do you mind if I borrow your dictionary?’ ‘Not at all.’ “我借用一下你的词典行吗?”“没问题。” ‘Go ahead.’ ( informal) “拿吧。”(非正式) If you say of course / of course it may sound as though you think the answer to the question is obvious and that the person should not ask. In the same way, of courseshould not be used as a reply to a statement of fact or when someone expresses an opinion. 如果用 of course/of course not 回答,听起来就好像是说答案太明显,用不着问。同样,of course 不宜用于回应别人对事实的陈述或意见的表达: ‘It’s a lovely day.’ ‘It certainly is.’/‘Yes it is.’ “天气真好。”“确实真好。”╱“是的,真好。” ‘Of course it is.’ ‘I think you’ll enjoy that play.’ ‘I’m sure I will.’/‘Yes, it sounds really good.’ “我想你会喜欢那出戏的。”“我肯定会的。”╱“是的,这戏看来真棒。” ‘Of course.’ course / kɔːs ; NAmE kɔːrs /
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