cool 英 [ku:l]   美 [kul]


cool  英 [ku:l] 美 [kul]

adj. 凉爽的  v. 变凉;平息  n. 凉爽; 

进行时:cooling  过去式:cooled  过去分词:cooled  第三人称单数:cools  名词复数:cools  比较级:cooler  最高级:coolest 

a cool breeze/drink/climate 凉爽的微风;清凉的饮料;凉快的气候
Let's sit in the shade and keep cool. 咱们坐在阴凉处乘凉吧。

  • When the weather is cool, it's not quite cold but not warm either. When people are cool, they're mellow and in control.
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  • adj. 凉爽的
  • v. 变凉;平息
  • n. 凉爽;
  • adv. 冷静地
  • 1. a cool breeze/drink/climate


  • 2. Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.


  • 3. Keep cool!


  • 4. It's a cool movie.


  • 5. the cool of the evening


  • 6. She was cool about the proposal.


  • cool (adj.) Old English col "not warm" (but usually not as severe as cold), "moderately cold, neither warm nor very cold," also, figuratively, of persons, "unperturbed, undemonstrative, not excited or heated by passions," from Proto-Germanic *koluz (source also of Middle Dutch coel, Dutch koel, Old High German chuoli, German kühl "cool," Old Norse kala "be cold"), from PIE root *gel- "cold; to freeze."
  • cool (n.) c. 1400, "moderate state of cold, coolness," from cool (adj.). Meaning "one's self-control, composure" (the thing you either keep or lose) is from 1966.
  • cool (v.) Old English colian, "to lose warmth," also figuratively, "to lose ardor;" cognate with Old Saxon kolon, Dutch koelen, Old High German chuolan, German kühlen, all from the root of cool (adj.). Transitive meaning "to cause to lose warmth, reduce the temperature of" is from late 14c. Related: Cooled; cooling.  
cool / kuːl ; NAmE kuːl / adjective , verb , noun cool cools cooled cooling adjective ( cool·er , cool·est ) fairly cold 凉爽 1 fairly cold; not hot or warm 凉的;凉爽的;凉快的 a cool breeze/drink/climate 凉爽的微风;清凉的饮料;凉快的气候 Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend. 预报本周末天气较凉。 Let's sit in the shade and keep cool. 咱们坐在阴凉处乘凉吧。 Store lemons in a cool dry place. 把柠檬贮存在干燥凉爽的地方。 synonyms at cold colours 颜色 2 making you feel pleasantly cool 使人感到凉爽的;冷色的 a room painted in cool greens and blues 涂成令人感到凉爽的绿色和蓝色的房间 calm 冷静 3 calm; not excited, angry or emotional 冷静的;镇静的;平静的 Keep cool! 保持冷静! She tried to remain cool, calm and collected (= calm). 她试图保持冷静、沉着、镇定。 He has a cool head (= he stays calm in an emergency). 他头脑冷静。 not friendly/enthusiastic 不友好╱热情 4 not friendly, interested or enthusiastic 不友好的;冷淡的;冷漠的 She was decidedly cool about the proposal. 她对这个提议显然十分冷淡。 They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception. 他们对首相报以冷淡的反应。 approving 赞许 5 ( informal) used to show that you admire or approve of sth because it is fashionable, attractive and often different (因时髦、漂亮且与众不同而)令人钦佩的,绝妙的,酷的 You look pretty cool with that new haircut. 你新剪的发型真酷。 It's a cool movie. 那部电影真棒。 synonyms at great 6 ( informal) people say Cool!or That's coolto show that they approve of sth or agree to a suggestion (表示满意或赞同)妙极的,酷的 ‘We're meeting Jake for lunch and we can go on the yacht in the afternoon.’ ‘Cool!’ “我们和杰克一起吃午饭,下午乘游艇玩去。”“棒极了!” ‘Can you come at 10.30 tomorrow?’ ‘That's cool’. “你明天 10:30 能来吗?”“没问题。” I was surprised that she got the job, but I'm cool with it (= it's not a problem for me). 我对于她得到这份工作感到惊讶,但觉得还可以接受。 confident 自信 7 ( informal) calm and confident in a way that lacks respect for other people, but makes people admire you as well as disapprove 孤傲冷漠的;满不在乎的 She just took his keys and walked out with them, cool as you please. 她拿了他的钥匙就跟他们走了,你看多有性格。 money 金钱 8 [only before noun ] ( informal) used about a sum of money to emphasize how large it is (强调金额之大)整整的,足足的 The car cost a cool thirty thousand. 那辆车花了整整三万。 see also coolly , coolness IDIOMS (as) ˌcool as a ˈcucumber very calm and controlled, especially in a difficult situation (尤指在困难情况下)非常冷静,泰然自若 play it ˈcool ( informal) to deal with a situation in a calm way and not show what you are really feeling 沉着应付;冷静处理;不动声色 more at long adj. verb become colder 变凉 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to become or to make sb/sth become cool or cooler (使)变凉,冷却 Glass contracts as it cools. 玻璃遇冷收缩。 coolsth The cylinder is cooled by a jet of water. 气缸可用喷水冷却。 become calmer 变得冷静 2 [intransitive ] to become calmer, less excited or less enthusiastic 冷静下来;镇静下来;冷淡下来 I think we should wait until tempers have cooled. 我认为我们应该等到怒火平息下来再说。 Relations between them have definitely cooled (= they are not as friendly with each other as they were). 他们之间的关系已明显地冷下来。 IDIOMS ˈcool it! ( informal) used to tell sb to be calmer and less excited or angry (用于劝说)冷静下来,沉住气,别激动,息怒 ˌcool your ˈheels ( informal) to have to wait for sb/sth 不得不等待;久等 PHRASAL VERBS ˌcool ˈdown/ˈoff 1 to become cool or cooler 变凉;冷却下来 We cooled off with a swim in the lake. 在湖里游泳后我们感到凉快了。 2 to become calm, less excited or less enthusiastic 镇静下来;变冷淡;不再那么激动 I think you should wait until she's cooled down a little. 我觉得你应该等她镇静一点再说。 ˌcool sb↔ˈdown/ˈoff 1 to make sb feel cooler 使感到凉快(或凉爽) Drink plenty of cold water to cool yourself down. 多喝点凉水,让自己凉快凉快。 2 to make sb calm, less excited or less enthusiastic 使冷静;使平静;使冷淡 A few hours in a police cell should cool him off. 在警察局班房里关上几个小时就会使他平静下来。 ˌcool sth↔ˈdown/ˈoff to make sth cool or cooler 使(某物)变凉;使冷却下来 ˌcool ˈout ( informal) to relax and become calm after a period of activity or stress 放松下来;镇静下来 It's a wonderful place to cool out with a glass of beer. 这儿真是个不错的地方,可以喝杯啤酒放松一下。 It sounds like he needs some time to cool out. 听起来,他还需要一段时间镇静下来。 noun the cool [singular ] cool air or a cool place 凉气;凉快的地方 the cool of the evening 夜晚的凉爽 IDIOMS keep your cool ( informal) to remain calm in a difficult situation (在困难的情况下)保持冷静,沉着 lose your cool ( informal) to become angry or excited 火冒三丈;失去冷静 cool / kuːl ; NAmE kuːl /
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