- Clear means clean and uncluttered, without distractions or confusion. If your explanation of relativity is clear, it's easy to understand. If the sky’s clear, there isn't a cloud to be seen.
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- adj. 清楚的;
- v. 清除;使干净;
- vi. 放晴
1. She gave me clear and precise directions.
2. You'll do as you're told, is that clear?
3. His height gives him a clear advantage.
4. My memory is not clear on that point.
5. a clear thinker
6. You'll need to keep a clear head for your interview.
7. The photo wasn't very clear.
8. a clear blue sky
9. The road was clear and I ran over.
10. They had made a clear profit of £2 000.
他们已赚得 2 000 英镑的净利。
11. I had cleared my desk before I left.
12. I cleared my desk of papers.
13. The plane had been cleared for take-off.
14. Stand clear of the train doors.
- clear (adj.) c. 1300, "giving light, shining, luminous;" also "not turbid; transparent, allowing light to pass through; free from impurities; morally pure, guiltless, innocent;" of colors, "bright, pure;" of weather or the sky or sea, "not stormy; mild, fair, not overcast, fully light, free from darkness or clouds;" of the eyes or vision, "clear, keen;" of the voice or sound, "plainly audible, distinct, resonant;" of the mind, "keen-witted, perspicacious;" of words or speech, "readily understood, manifest to the mind, lucid" (an Old English word for this was sweotol "distinct, clear, evident"); of land, "cleared, leveled;" from Old French cler "clear" (of sight and hearing), "light, bright, shining; sparse" (12c., Modern French clair), from Latin clarus "clear, loud," of sounds; figuratively "manifest, plain, evident," in transferred use, of sights, "bright, distinct;" also "illustrious, famous, glorious" (source of Italian chiaro, Spanish claro), from PIE *kle-ro-, from root *kele- (2) "to shout."
- clear (adv.) c. 1300, "completely, quite, entirely, wholly," c. 1300, from clear (adj.) or adverbial use of the adjective in Old French. From early 14c. as "plainly, lucidly;" mid-14c. as "loudly, with distinctness of sound;" late 14c. as "brightly, brilliantly."
- clear (n.) early 13c., in place names, "a clearing, a forest glade," from Old French noun use of the adjective (see clear (adj.)). In Middle English also "a beautiful person" (mid-14c.). From c. 1500 as "brightness." The notion in in the clear (1715) is "a clear space."
- clear (v.) mid-14c., "make clear (an obscure subject) in the mind, explain, elucidate;" late 14c., "make clean, cleanse, purify; clarify (a liquid), remove what clouds or diminishes brightness or transparency;" also "prove innocent, vindicate;" of the weather, sea, sky, clouds, etc., "clear up, become fair or calm;" from clear (adj.). Related: Cleared; clearing.
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