churn 英 [tʃɜ:n]   美 [tʃɜrn]


churn  英 [tʃɜ:n] 美 [tʃɜrn]

vi. 搅拌;搅动  vt. 搅拌;搅动  n. 搅乳器 

进行时:churning  过去式:churned  过去分词:churned  第三人称单数:churns  名词复数:churns 

All of these devices churn out data that says something about how people live. 所有这些装置都能解读出那些反映人们生活方式的数据。
For the development organization, code churn -- the frequency of changes in program source code -- would be an operational measure. 对于开发组织来说,代码搅动 —— 程序员代码中变更的频率 —— 是可运作的度量。

  • A churn is a container that you fill with cream and then agitate until the cream becomes butter. You may have only bought butter at the store, but your ancestors probably used a traditional plunger-type churn to make their own.
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  • vi. 搅拌;搅动
  • vt. 搅拌;搅动
  • n. 搅乳器
  • 1. All of these devices churn out data that says something about how people live.


  • 2. For the development organization, code churn -- the frequency of changes in program source code -- would be an operational measure.

    对于开发组织来说,代码搅动 —— 程序员代码中变更的频率 —— 是可运作的度量。

  • 3. Well, how the old woman should have had the wit to guess it I could never tell, but she found out that he was inside that there churn.


  • churn (n.) "vessel in which cream or milk is agitated to separate it and make butter," Old English cyrin, from Proto-Germanic *kernjon (source also of Old Norse kirna, Swedish kärna, Danish kjerne, Dutch karn, Middle High German kern); probably akin to cyrnel "kernel" (see kernel) and describing the "grainy" appearance of churned cream.
  • churn (v.) mid-15c., chyrnen, "to stir or agitate (milk or cream) to make butter," from churn (n.). Extended sense "shake or agitate violently" is from late 17c. Intransitive sense is from 1735. Related: Churned; churning. To churn out, of writing, "produce mechanically and in great volume" is from 1902.
churn / tʃɜːn ; NAmE tʃɜːrn / verb , noun churn churns churned churning verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] if water, mud, etc. churns,or if sth churns it (up),it moves or is moved around violently 剧烈搅动;猛烈翻腾 churn(up) The water churned beneath the huge ship. 水在巨轮下面剧烈翻滚。 churnsth (up) Vast crowds had churned the field into a sea of mud. 大批大批的人把场地踩得一片泥泞。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] churn(sth) if your stomach churnsor if sth churnsyour stomach, you feel a strong, unpleasant feeling of worry, disgust or fear 反胃,恶心(忧虑、厌恶或恐惧的强烈感觉) My stomach churned as the names were read out. 名单一宣布,我就觉得胃里翻腾得难受。 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] churn(sb) (up) to feel or to make sb feel upset or emotionally confused (使)感到不安,心烦意乱 Conflicting emotions churned inside him. 相互矛盾的情绪使他感到心烦意乱。 4 [transitive ] churnsth to turn and stir milk in a special container in order to make butter 用搅乳器搅乳(制作黄油) PHRASAL VERB ˌchurn sth↔ˈout ( informal, often disapproving) to produce sth quickly and in large amounts (粗制滥造地)大量生产,大量炮制 noun 1 a machine in which milk or cream is shaken to make butter (制作黄油的)搅乳器 2 ( BrE) a large metal container in which milk was carried from a farm in the past (旧时)盛奶大罐,奶桶 churn / tʃɜːn ; NAmE tʃɜːrn /
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