chop 英 [tʃɒp]   美 [tʃɑp]


chop  英 [tʃɒp] 美 [tʃɑp]

n. 砍;排骨;商标;削球  vt. 剁碎;砍  phrase. (俚)丑人 

进行时:chopping  过去式:chopped  过去分词:chopped  第三人称单数:chops  名词复数:chops 

When I was a boy, my father taught me how to chop wood. 当我还是一个小男孩的时候,我爸爸教我怎么样砍木头。
If short sleeves, they chop them off above the elbows; if long sleeves, they amputate them at the hands and at the wrists. 如果是短袖,就从肘以上用刀砍掉他们的手臂;如果是长袖,他们从手和手腕处砍断。

  • To chop is to cut something by hacking at it. In many places, there are farms where you can chop down your own Christmas tree.
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  • n. 砍;排骨;商标;削球
  • vt. 剁碎;砍
  • phrase. (俚)丑人
  • 1. When I was a boy, my father taught me how to chop wood.


  • 2. If short sleeves, they chop them off above the elbows; if long sleeves, they amputate them at the hands and at the wrists.


  • 3. I put down my chopstick, the half eaten pork chop left cold on the plate.


  • chop (n.) mid-14c., "act of chopping, cutting with a quick blow," from chop (v.1). Meaning "piece cut off" is mid-15c.; specifically "slice of mutton, lamb, or pork" (usually cut from the loin and containing the rib) is from 1630s, probably from being "chopped" from the loin. Sense of "a blow, strike" is from 1550s. Specific cricket/baseball sense of "a downward stroke with the bat" is by 1888.
  • chop (v.1) "to cut with a quick blow," mid-14c., of uncertain origin, not found in Old English, perhaps from Old North French choper (Old French coper "to cut, cut off," 12c., Modern French couper), from Vulgar Latin *cuppare "to behead," from a root meaning "head," but influenced in Old French by couper "to strike" (see coup). There are similar words in continental Germanic (Dutch, German kappen "to chop, cut").
  • chop (v.2) "shift quickly," 1530s, earlier "to bargain" (early 15c.), ultimately from Old English ceapian "to bargain" (see cheap); here with a sense of "changing back and forth," probably from common expressions such as to chop and change "barter." To chop logic "engage in sophistical argument" is recorded from 1570s. Related: Chopped; chopping.
chop / tʃɒp ; NAmE tʃɑːp / verb , noun chop chops chopped chopping verb ( -pp- ) 1 to cut sth into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife 切碎;剁碎;砍;劈 chopsth He was chopping logs for firewood. 他在把原木劈成木柴。 Add the finely chopped onions. 加入切碎的洋葱。 chopsth (up) (into sth) Chop the carrots up into small pieces. 把胡萝卜切成小块。 ( figurative) The country was chopped up into small administrative areas. 这个国家被划分为若干小的行政区。 collocationsat cooking 2 [usually passive ] chopsth (from sth) (to sth) ( informal) to reduce sth by a large amount; to stop sth (大幅度地)削减,降低;取消;终止 SYN cut The share price was chopped from 50 pence to 20 pence. 股价由每股 50 便士猛降至 20 便士。 3 chopsb/sth to hit sb/sth with a short downward stroke or blow 向下猛击 IDIOM ˌchop and ˈchange ( BrE) ( informal) to keep changing your mind or what you are doing 变化无常;反覆变换 PHRASAL VERBS ˈchop (away) at sth to aim blows at sth with a heavy sharp tool such as an axe 对准…砍去(或猛击) ˌchop sth↔ˈdown to make sth, such as a tree, fall by cutting it at the base with a sharp tool 砍伐,伐倒(如树木) ˌchop sth↔ˈoff (sth) to remove sth by cutting it with a sharp tool 砍掉;砍下;砍断 He chopped a branch off the tree. 他从那棵树上砍下一根树枝。 ( informal) Anne Boleyn had her head chopped off. 安妮 · 博林被斩首。 noun 1 [countable ] a thick slice of meat with a bone attached to it, especially from a pig or sheep 猪(或羊等)排 a pork/lamb chop 猪排;羊排 2 [countable ] an act of cutting sth with a quick downward movement using an axeor a knife 砍;劈;剁 3 [countable ] an act of hitting sb/sth with the side of your hand in a quick downward movement 掌劈 a karate chop 空手道中的掌劈 4 chops [plural ] ( informal) the part of a person's or an animal's face around the mouth (人或动物的)嘴周围的地方 The dog sat licking its chops. 那只狗坐着在舔嘴。 IDIOMS get/be given the ˈchop ( BrE) ( informal) 1 (of a person ) to be dismissed from a job 被解雇;被撤职 The whole department has been given the chop. 整个部门的员工都已被解雇。 2 (of a plan, project, etc. 计划、工程等 ) to be stopped or ended 被取消;被终止 Three more schemes have got the chop. 又有三个方案遭斧削了。 be for the ˈchop ( BrE) ( informal) 1 (of a person ) to be likely to be dismissed from a job 可能遭裁员 Who's next for the chop? 下一个轮到谁被裁员? 2 (of a plan, project, etc. 计划、工程等 ) to be likely to be stopped or ended 可能被取消(或终止) not much ˈchop ( AustralE, NZE) ( informal) not very good or useful 不算好的;不太有用的 chop / tʃɒp ; NAmE tʃɑːp /
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