chemical 英 [ˈkemɪkl]   美 [ˈkɛmɪkəl]


chemical  英 [ˈkemɪkl] 美 [ˈkɛmɪkəl]

n. 化学品  adj. 化学的 


a chemical element 化学元素
the chemical industry 化学工业

  • A chemical is any mix of raw elements: hydrogen + oxygen produce the chemical water. Water is created by a change in the chemistry of hydrogen and oxygen atoms — a chemical change.
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  • n. 化学品
  • adj. 化学的
  • 1. a chemical element


  • 2. the chemical industry


  • 3. chemical reactions/processes


  • 4. The raw sewage is chemically treated.


  • chemical (adj.) 1570s, "relating to chemistry, pertaining to the phenomena with which chemistry deals," from chemic "of alchemy" (a worn-down derivative of Medieval Latin alchimicus; see alchemy) + -al (1). In early use also of alchemy. Related: Chemically. Chemical warfare is attested from 1917.
  • chemical (n.) "a substance produced by a chemical process, a chemical agent," 1747, from chemical (adj.). Related: Chemicals.
chem·ical AWL / ˈkemɪkl ; NAmE ˈkemɪkl / adjective , noun chemical chemicals adjective 1 connected with chemistry 与化学有关的;化学的 a chemical element 化学元素 the chemical industry 化学工业 2 produced by or using processes which involve changes to atoms or molecules 用化学方法制造的;化学作用的 chemical reactions/processes 化学反应╱过程 chem·ic·al·ly AWL / ˈkemɪkli ; NAmE ˈkemɪkli / adverb The raw sewage is chemically treated. 未经处理的污水要进行化学处理。 noun a substance obtained by or used in a chemical process 化学制品;化学品 chem·ical / ˈkemɪkl ; NAmE ˈkemɪkl / chem·ic·al·ly / ˈkemɪkli ; NAmE ˈkemɪkli /
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