chance 英 [tʃɑ:ns]   美 [tʃæns]


chance  英 [tʃɑ:ns] 美 [tʃæns]

n. 机会,侥幸;可能性  v. 偶然发生;碰巧 

进行时:chancing  过去式:chanced  过去分词:chanced  第三人称单数:chances  名词复数:chances 

Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight? 有可能弄到今晚的票吗?
There's a slight chance that he'll be back in time. 他及时赶回来的可能性不大。

  • A chance is a possibility — but it's not a sure thing. There could be a chance of rain today or a chance you'll be the lead in the school play.
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  • n. 机会,侥幸;可能性
  • v. 偶然发生;碰巧
  • 1. Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight?


  • 2. There's a slight chance that he'll be back in time.


  • 3. What chance is there of anybody being found alive?


  • 4. It was the chance she had been waiting for.


  • 5. I met her by chance at the airport.


  • 6. She was chancing her luckdriving without a licence.


  • 7. They chanced to be staying at the same hotel.


  • chance (adj.) "resulting or due to chance; casual, unexpected," 1670s, from chance (n.).
  • chance (n.) c. 1300, "something that takes place, what happens, an occurrence" (good or bad, but more often bad), especially one that is unexpected, unforeseen, or beyond human control, also "one's luck, lot, or fortune," good or bad, in a positive sense "opportunity, favorable contingency;" also "contingent or unexpected event, something that may or may not come about or be realized," from Old French cheance "accident, chance, fortune, luck, situation, the falling of dice" (12c., Modern French chance), from Vulgar Latin *cadentia "that which falls out," a term used in dice, from neuter plural of Latin cadens, present participle of cadere "to fall," from PIE root *kad- "to fall."
  • chance (v.) late 14c., "to come about, to happen," from chance (n.). Meaning "to risk, take the chances of" is attested from 1859. Related: Chanced; chancing.
chance / tʃɑːns ; NAmE tʃæns / noun , verb , adjective chance chances chanced chancing noun 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] a possibility of sth happening, especially sth that you want (尤指希望发生的事的)可能性 chanceof doing sth Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight? 有可能弄到今晚的票吗? She has only a slim chanceof passing the exam. 她通过考试的希望很渺茫。 chancethat… There's a slight chancethat he'll be back in time. 他及时赶回来的可能性不大。 There is no chancethat he will change his mind. 他不可能改变主意。 chanceof sth happening What chance is there of anybody being found alive? 找到生还者的希望有多大? chanceof sth Nowadays a premature baby has a very good chanceof survival. 如今早产儿存活的希望非常大。 The operation has a fifty-fifty chanceof success. 这次手术成功和失败的可能性各占一半。 an outside chance (= a very small one) 非常小的可能性 The chances are a million to one against being struck by lightning. 遭雷击的可能性是微乎其微的。 2 [countable ] a suitable time or situation when you have the opportunity to do sth 机会;机遇;时机 It was the chance she had been waiting for. 那正是她一直等待的机会。 Jeff deceived me once already—I won't give him a second chance. 杰夫已骗过我一次,我不会再给他机会。 This is your big chance (= opportunity for success). 这是你成功的大好机会。 chanceof sth We won't get another chanceof a holiday this year. 我们今年不会再有机会度假了。 chanceto do sth Please give me a chanceto explain. 请给我一个解释的机会。 Tonight is your last chanceto catch the play at your local theatre. 今晚是你在本地剧院看这出戏的最后一次机会。 chancefor sb to do sth There will be a chance for parents to look around the school. 家长将有机会参观学校。 3 [countable ] an unpleasant or dangerous possibility 风险;冒险 When installing electrical equipment don't take any chances.A mistake could kill. 安装电器设备时千万不要冒险,弄错了有可能出人命的。 4 [uncountable ] the way that some things happen without any cause that you can see or understand 偶然;碰巧;意外 I met her by chance (= without planning to)at the airport. 我碰巧在机场遇见她。 Chess is not a game of chance. 国际象棋不是靠运气取胜的。 It was pure chancethat we were both there. 我们俩当时都在场纯属巧合。 We'll plan everything very carefully and leave nothing to chance. 我们将非常周密地筹划一切,决不留任何纰漏。 synonyms at luck IDIOMS as ˌchance would ˈhave it happening in a way that was lucky, although it was not planned 凑巧;碰巧 As chance would have it, John was going to London too, so I went with him. 赶巧约翰也去伦敦,所以我跟他一块儿去了。 be ˌin with a ˈchance (of doing sth) ( BrE) ( informal) to have the possibility of succeeding or achieving sth 有可能成功;有机会获得 ‘Do you think we'll win?’ ‘I think we're in with a chance.’ “你认为我们会获胜吗?”“我觉得有可能。” He's in with a good chance of passing the exam. 他大有可能考试合格。 by ˈany chance used especially in questions, to ask whether sth is true, possible, etc. (尤用于问句,询问是否真实、可能等)或许,可能 Are you in love with him, by any chance? 或许你爱上他了? the chances ˈare (that)… ( informal) it is likely that… 可能… The chances are you won't have to pay. 你可能不用付钱。 ˈchance would be a fine thing ( BrE) ( informal) people say chance would be a fine thingto show that they would like to do or have the thing that sb has mentioned, but that they do not think that it is very likely 苦于没有机会 give sb/sth half a ˈchance to give sb/sth some opportunity to do sth 给…一些机会 That dog will give you a nasty bite, given half a chance. 只要一有机会,那条狗就会狠咬你一口。 ˈno chance ( informal) there is no possibility 不可能 ‘Do you think he'll do it?’ ‘No chance.’ “你认为他会做这事吗?”“不可能。” on the ˈoff chance (that) because of the possibility of sth happening, although it is unlikely 抱(一线)希望;碰碰运气 I didn't think you'd be at home but I just called by on the off chance. 我想你不会在家,只是碰碰运气顺路来看一下。 stand a ˈchance (of doing sth) to have the possibility of succeeding or achieving sth 有可能成功;有机会获得 The driver didn't stand a chance of stopping in time. 司机没有来得及刹车。 take a ˈchance (on sth) to decide to do sth, knowing that it might be the wrong choice 冒险 We took a chance on the weather and planned to have the party outside. 我们怀着天气可能会好的侥幸心理筹划到户外聚会。 take your ˈchances to take a risk or to use the opportunities that you have and hope that things will happen in the way that you want 碰运气 He took his chances and jumped into the water. 他冒险跳进水里。 more at cat , dog n. , even adj. , eye n. , fat adj. , fight v. , snowball n. , sporting verb 1 [transitive ] ( informal) to risk sth, although you know the result may not be successful 冒险;拿…去冒风险 chancesth She was chancing her luckdriving without a licence. 她无照驾车,完全是在冒险。 ‘Take an umbrella.’ ‘No, I'll chance it(= take the risk that it may rain). “带上伞吧。”“不带了,我就冒冒险吧。” chancedoing sth I stayed hidden; I couldn't chance coming out. 我躲了起来,不能冒险出去。 2 linking verb ( formal) to happen or to do sth by chance 偶然发生;碰巧 chanceto do sth If I do chance to find out where she is, I'll inform you immediately. 要是我真的碰巧发现她的行踪,会立即通知你的。 They chanced to be staying at the same hotel. 他们碰巧住在同一家旅馆。 it chanced (that)… It chanced (that) they were staying at the same hotel. 碰巧他们住在同一家旅馆。 IDIOM ˌchance your ˈarm ( BrE) ( informal) to take a risk although you will probably fail 冒险一试;碰碰运气 PHRASAL VERB ˈchance on/upon sb/sth ( formal) to find or meet sb/sth unexpectedly or by chance 偶然发现;碰巧遇到 One day he chanced upon Emma's diary and began reading it. 有一天他偶然发现了埃玛的日记,便开始读了起来。 adjective [only before noun ] not planned 意外的;偶然的;碰巧的 SYN unplanned a chance meeting/encounter 邂逅 chance / tʃɑːns ; NAmE tʃæns /
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