businesslike 英 [ˈbɪznəslaɪk]   美 [ˈbɪznɪsˌlaɪk]


businesslike  英 [ˈbɪznəslaɪk] 美 [ˈbɪznɪsˌlaɪk]

adj. 有效率的;认真的;有条理的 

That businesslike approach was apparent, too, in discussions over focusing treatment on those who are most at risk. 在关于将治疗集中在那些病危患者身上的讨论中,这一商业式的途径也很明显。
She is businesslike, direct – a world away from most fashion designers, whose idea of giving an interview is calling you darling a lot, and complimenting your shoes. 她是务实、直接的——跟其他时装设计师大不一样,那些人进行采访时想的就是叫你“甜心”,不及边际地称赞你的鞋子。

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  • adj. 有效率的;认真的;有条理的
  • 1. That businesslike approach was apparent, too, in discussions over focusing treatment on those who are most at risk.


  • 2. She is businesslike, direct – a world away from most fashion designers, whose idea of giving an interview is calling you darling a lot, and complimenting your shoes.


  • 3. Of course the interviewer can't see you, but you won't feel, or sound, as businesslike in your pajamas.


  • businesslike (adj.) "methodical and thorough, such as ought to prevail in doing business," 1791, from business + like (adj.).
busi·ness·like / ˈbɪznəslaɪk ; NAmE ˈbɪznəslaɪk / adjective (of a person ) working in an efficient and organized way and not wasting time or thinking about personal things 效率高的;井然有序的;工作认真而有条理的 She adopted a brisk businesslike tone. 她用一种公务口吻,说话干脆利落。 busi·ness·like / ˈbɪznəslaɪk ; NAmE ˈbɪznəslaɪk /
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